To: Williams
Can't say I'm much of a NASCAR fan, but I love a rodeo, chili cookoffs, BBQ, and bass fishing. I can laugh at Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy, and I've been known to drink a Bud or two. Point is, I'm hardly an Ivy League-educated snob that so many of you would like to think of anyone who dares say anything negative about Sarah Palin. But I'll be damned if I can figure out why in the world you all have just decided to fawn all over the Rachel Ray of the political world. Of all the choices, why rally around someone who can tell you the headline, without providing any of the detail to the story? Why make sacrosanct someone whose primary debating skill is to look in the camera and wink? Why, for God's sake, Why, are you willing to accept mediocrity for the sake of a twinkle in the eye. Sarah Palin, if we're lucky, will fade into history, and we won't have to put up with her corn pone ever again. Way to speak the truth, Peggy. I don't get it, and I hope I never will.
90 posted on
10/16/2008 10:37:39 PM PDT by
To: DryFly
Simple. She has strong convictions. She has spark. She is a fresh face. She has an ability to connect to people on a personal, emotional level. She is an outsider. She is a reformer. She is qualified, being governor of a strategically important state and holding an 80% approval rating. She is about as anti-Washington as you can get. She has strong principles and doesn’t compromise. She has integrity.
When you boil down the criticism of Sarah Palin, it basically comes down to the fact that she doesn’t “sound smart”. That’s not a big deal to me. I’m highly educated. My family is full of lawyers, doctors, and business owners. All college grads and highly in tune with the world. We all love her.
To: DryFly
109 posted on
10/16/2008 10:55:37 PM PDT by
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