Do you really think there are any truly undecideds out there now and how hard would it be to lie? To have these groups decide the winner is a complete farce.
Who you going to believe, a person who can’t decide or your lying eyes?
Pray for, McCuda and Our Troops
This past weekend I saw Brian Wilson on Fox.
He has spent several days on the ground in battleground states talking to people.
When he would speak to undecided voters, he would press them saying if you had to decide with an arm twist at this moment ....8 out of 10 said McCain.
Do you really think there are any truly undecideds out there now and how hard would it be to lie? To have these groups decide the winner is a complete farce.
Who you going to believe, a person who cant decide or your lying eyes?
Pray for, McCuda and Our Troops
I think these people are idiots who have gotten a taste of celebrity. That about says it all doesn’t it?
I’ve been praying a lot lately and I think it’s paying off.