I still think that we should be electing Republicans into both the House and Senate. Some people might feel that they should “punish” Republicans. That’s all good, but we have seen what the outcome of such a move has been, with the current Democrat-controlled House. Do we really want to give more power to that idiot Reid and Pelosi? We have to get conservatives in from the ground level, from the primaries. For all we say about “Blue Dog” democrats, its the liberals that rule that party. They will never give up their power.
If we want conservative in there, we get them in from the primaries.
I’ve never voted Democrat in my life, but I’m supporting Bob Conley. He is the real conservative in the race. He is against amnesty for illegal aliens, was against the irresponsibly Socialist $700 billion bailout, is 100% pro-life, is for drilling offshore and in ANWR and is for the FairTax. I’ve spoken with his campaign manager, Lee Griggs. Conley was a Republican, but signed on as a Democrat to defeat Graham. Conley knew he couldn’t gain any traction as an Independent or Libertarian. Some of you sound as though the Republican Party is the last bastion for conservatism. Give me a break. My Congressman is Bob Inglis (Republican, but not a conservative) and one of my U.S. Senators is Lindsey Graham (Republican, but not conservative). Thank God for Jim Demint! You people who continue to vote for RINOs are the reason the party continues to move to the left. Get your head out of your hindparts!