Krauthammer said, and I agree, that it is inexplicable that the McCain team keeps missing the opportunity to hammer the Dems on their involvement in the Fannie Mae fiasco, they are not pointing out that McCain wanted much stronger regulation on Fannie Mae while Biden voted against it.
>> Krauthammer said, and I agree, that it is inexplicable that the McCain team keeps missing the opportunity
That’s a common theme on talk radio as well.
Kraut is wrong and so are you. She made 3 important points that completely turned the tables in this race.
The race is now Drilling for energy independence, Corruption in DC/Wall St and leaving the war in victory. That was her job and she nailed it.
Now the Maverick can come in and backfill how he is the only one that can fill the job and that including the Fannie Mae mess that Obummer is up to his ears in.
She set the foundation and now watch McCain build the house. This race is now McCain’s after tonight. She was amazing.
Pray for W, McCuda and Our Troops