she screwed the pooch on the economic crises. No mention of Fannie and Freddie. No mention of Obama taking money, no mention of Obama being in bed with the people who helped cause this mess when the opportunity was there. She should have been slicing Biden inside and out. Instead, she ceded that ground and let Biden hang it on McCain.
THERE YA GO Folks ///THIS GENTLEMAN JUST TOLD YOU HOW WE LOST THE ELECTION OF 2009..NO BALLS REPUBLICANS ..She should have told how Obama is a they forced banks to fund minorities who borrowed money they didnt have to pay back..Obama’s ties to Ayers and domestic terrorist..Forget it I’m disgusted. Tonight was the LAST CHANCE we had to blow out this fraud Obama ..and WE BLEW IT ..get it We BLEW IT,,We needed gloves off and it DIDNT HAPPEN
I agree.. She did okay, but I don’t think she did nearly as well as others on here did.
You’re a Marxist.
Palin just won the election.
I hate to say it but I agree. I know that not being a cheerleader means being called a troll or whatever, but I’m just calling like I see it. She needed to knock this out of the park, and she had many, many chances to do it tonight, but she failed to do so.
Again, I hope I am wrong, but I think that she needed to do more than just not mess up tonight.
The only strategy left for the liberals and the media now is to pump the interview (the one you watched on Animal Planet tonight when you were supposed to be watching the Palin debate) and completely ignore the reality that Palin beat Biden soundly.
But the idiot media cannot fool the American people. They saw the real Sarah tonight.
Unfortunately, she has to mirror McCain’s limp-wristed approach, but I agree I would have loved to have heard that.
Just wait for ‘12, though. I don’t think McCain will try for a second term, and she’d be able to wax the floor with Obama’s sweat.
The focus this election really needs to be on the House. We can win that one, and McCain will ride on the House’s coattails.
She did great! She did talk about Fannie and Freddie and how McCain wanted to fix it years ago. Biden didn't hang anything on McCain...Biden came across as the blithering idiot that he is. Would you prefer that Sarah come across as a screaming shrew like Hillary?
What little I saw was ifill completely in the tank and Palin now McCainized. I can't stand to watch lying dems and rollover Republicans.
McCain has allowed the dems and msm to completely define him on the sub prime issue. obama will use this uncontested tactic to win this election. Stunningly bad move by McCain.
-—”she screwed the pooch on the economic crises. No mention of Fannie and Freddie. No mention of Obama taking money, no mention of Obama being in bed with the people who helped cause this mess when the opportunity was there. She should have been slicing Biden inside and out. Instead, she ceded that ground and let Biden hang it on McCain.
THERE YA GO Folks ///THIS GENTLEMAN JUST TOLD YOU HOW WE LOST THE ELECTION OF 2009..NO BALLS REPUBLICANS ..She should have told how Obama is a they forced banks to fund minorities who borrowed money they didnt have to pay back..Obamas ties to Ayers and domestic terrorist..Forget it Im disgusted. Tonight was the LAST CHANCE we had to blow out this fraud Obama ..and WE BLEW IT ..get it We BLEW IT,,We needed gloves off and it DIDNT HAPPEN.”
You make some good points, but I think you have unrealistic expectations to get every point nailed down in a 1 minute or 2 minute time slot. Palin did superbly well and got in enough classic, historical digs.
Perhaps there may be a strategy for McCain to address those issues (which I sure hope he does), but you need to savor the fact that Palin did EXTREMELY well tonight. She was charming and intelligent and novel. Biden was angry, ashen, and so old-school.