“...Charge ‘em under RICO...”
Who’s gonna charge them, Bush??? The Attorney General??? US Justice Department?? Not gonna happen. It MAY have happened if John Ashcroft was still there, but he was removed poste haste because he is a conservative. It MAY have happened if we had a President with some BALLS and a WILL to defend his own country from a domestic Fifth column enemy, an enemy that TOOK AN OATH to protect the country against.
Not gonna happen. And I’m through defending Dubya. All along I’d figured well, he’s a decent guy, etc., and that may be true - but we need a WARRIOR Patriot in there that will fight these b*stards every step of the way, and he (and the Republicans in general) are unwilling to do it.
Why? I don’t know...maybe because:
a. They think it’s still a gentlemen’s “game”(bad).
b. They don’t understand that this is WAR like the Dems do(more bad).
c. They’re IN on it (REALLY-REALLY MORE bad).
Maybe I’m just in miserable-pr*ck mode and feeling pessimistic today, but I’m beginning to believe that America is already gone. Please tell me I’m wrong...
There’s NO federal watchdog to monitor elections, other than monitoring for the shadow-phantom of “racist voter intimidation” and “minority disenfranchisement”...which means, basically, that the “Dead Democrat Voting Bloc”, the “Illegal Immigrant Democrat Si Se Pooooo-AAAYDD-o Voting Bloc”, the “Vote Early, Vote Often, Vote Democrat voting bloc”, and the “Wino/Junkie/Don’t Really Live Here Democrat Voting Bloc” are basically free to steal the election. Because OUR side lacks BALLS to openly and brazenly challenge them.
RICO indictment assumes we have ANYONE in law enforcement (Federal, State, etc) who would do it. In the words of Algore - “there’s No Controlling Legal Authority”.
They’re MUCH MORE concerned with how many firearms YOU own, if you’re praying in public school within earshot of children (but only if you’re Christian, that is), keeping the “No Child Left Unaborted” laws in place so our people can continue to be brainwashed into NOT reproducing, and stealing funding from public taxes and corporations to finance AIDS research to prevent a tiny segment of their voting constituency from offing themselves through perversity...
No, they’ll go on doing this Gestapo crap until whatever Patriots are left in this country decide to put a stop to it. And as it looks right now, that’s not going to happen anytime soon.
Saw the “Burning Down The House” video out here, and was livid...Hiredhand’s explanation of it was even more enlightening, and that set the fuse burning even worse.
NOTHING gets done to bring these Democommie slimebags to justice, because they OWN the system now. They’ll blame our side over and over, the media parrots it and pushes it, and WE....DO...NOTHING...
Feel like this is 1938 Czechoslavkia, watching Neville Chamberlain waving his papers while Hitler laughs his ass off and signals the Einsatzgruppen to move in...
Damn, I’m a grumpy old bastid today...
it was a nice thought, but alas i do believe that letter 'c' above is the norm rather than the exception...
better to be a prince than a common citizen I suppose...