I deliberately skipped the exchange tonight. I think that was a wise choice.
I suppose my total disgust and frustration at the past 8 year performance of what has been, IMHO, the 5th worst administration in history helped Obama in some areas but, all-in-all it was a majority 15-round decision for McCain. The point is, it didn’t really have to be a long, drawn out affair with a lesser opponent had Bush done his job as president because McCain would have wiped the stage with Barry in the first five minutes if that had been the case. Bush’s bailout plan is causing not only McCain but good GOP Senate and House members unnecessary fights for Congress.
I was a bit disappointed that when Obama was attacking him about lobbyists that Mccain made no mention of the people advising Obama.
The me too stuff was funny when it came to VP choices and bracelets.
McCain=statesman. Obama=in over his head
It occurred to me, that Jim Leher conducted a fair debate for both sides. Proves it can be done.
This was truly a “major yawner” of a debate. I was hoping for a major TKO by McCain against Obama on a number of issues, but it never happened even once! As one example, McCain could of explained the differences between himself and Obama on what to truly do about the bailout, and it never happened. McCain could of truly boosted himself on this economic issue, and it truly was a missed opportunity by McCain to clean Obama’s clock about what to do about the bailout plan. McCain could of also explained about how it was more the fault of Democrats than Republicans that the present economy is truly in the present situation that it’s in. I thought that the overall debate ended in a draw, but this draw truly ends up hurting McCain more than helps McCain. This truly won’t be a debate to be remembered for years to come, and no “political bump” will truly come out of this one debate for either McCain or Obama.
Over 4500 in 7 hours... GREAT POST! :^)
I am watching the re-run of the debate and I have noticed something - BO keeps raising his had like a kid in school when he wants to talk. Maybe he felt like he was in school with the head master himself.
Also, When McCain is talking about sitting at the table with Ahmanutjob at first BO agrees and says “yes” agreeing with us telling Iran that they are not going to blow Israel off the map. After McCain says “Oh, please.” BO starts saying no and disagreeing. He knew he was being beaten and was totally lost there.
Also, I watched a lot of the post debate coverage on Fox. Here is what struck me a purely Presidential. After the debate, John McCain flew back to Washington so that he could work tomorrow. BO’s people said that he had returned to the hotel to sleep then tomorrow he is campaigning in NC, Fredericksburg, VA, and Washington in the evening. So much for being a Senator.