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President Bush Pushes Bailout Plan; House Republicans Resist
ABC News ^
| September 26, 2008
Posted on 09/26/2008 11:59:42 AM PDT by dlt
click here to read article
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To: dlt
Don’t believe this. I thought you people were smarter than this.
To: dlt
I don’t understand some of you guys and gals here on FR. On the one hand many here full well know that the MSM intentionally invents false information and spreads it for psychological effect, but when ABC news actually puts this story out the immediate reaction among “seasoned” readers is to sigh and falter like ABC has a direct link to God. Which is it folks?
posted on
09/26/2008 12:19:28 PM PDT
(The chief aim of order within Christianity is to make room for good things to romp and play.)
To: nralife
MCCAIN WOULD NEVER betray Conservative princ...never mind.
To: dlt
How is a purchase of distressed assets from financial institutions critical to the function of the markets a “bailout?” Some of those assets will still pay, though NO ONE knows how much.
Ask the low and mid-level employees of Lehman, their former stockholders and bondholders if they have been “bailed out?” Same for AIG.
I hate these outrageous executive comp packages and golden parachutes as much as anybody, and the feds should go after those people and lock them up and make them pay back lots of bucks to the US Treasury, IMO.
Should companies and towns and cities start missing payroll, and laying people off due to nonfunctioning credit markets?
posted on
09/26/2008 12:19:57 PM PDT
dashing doofus
(Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber)
To: dlt
It’s always amazing (and rather disappointing) to see how many will comment before actually reading an article in its entirety.
So, here’s my suggestion...
Read the article and then please let us know if you honestly believe the article provides any information that suggests McCain is applying pressure to support the “Paulson Plan”.
If someone does find such information, please let us know because I must have missed that part of the article.
posted on
09/26/2008 12:20:02 PM PDT
To: nralife; dlt; jessduntno; mysterio; Bahbah
The title doesnt even match the first sentence in the article.That is because the posted title is not the title of the article.
To: dlt
This is the title of the article at the link.
President Bush Pushes Bailout Plan; House Republicans Resist Bush Appeals Directly to His Own Party to Come Aboard
posted on
09/26/2008 12:20:27 PM PDT
To: SE Mom
Thats they way the media sucks us in- a headline. how often do we READ the article before pouncing in equal hysteria?I stopped falling for it long ago. I think lots of others have too. That's why they have now resorted to outright lies.
posted on
09/26/2008 12:20:59 PM PDT
(Typical white person-Snow white)
To: dlt; Admin Moderator
“President Bush Pushes Bailout Plan; House Republicans Resist”
Why did you change the title?
That’s NOT what the article says...
posted on
09/26/2008 12:21:05 PM PDT
(Denial is the first requirement to be a liberal)
I don’t believe the story one bit.
To: dlt
You expect me to believe a headline like this? hahahahahaha
To: dlt
posted on
09/26/2008 12:22:17 PM PDT
("A republic, if you can keep it." Benjamin Franklin)
To: penowa
McCain should quit the race now before he embarrasses himself even worse by sticking around until election day so this story is true?
posted on
09/26/2008 12:22:29 PM PDT
(self-proclaimed tequila snob)
To: NoControllingLegalAuthority; Admin Moderator
Original poster changed the title from "President Bush Pushes Bailout Plan; House Republicans Resist"
posted on
09/26/2008 12:22:59 PM PDT
(In VP's, McCain picked the future, Obama chose the past.)
To: dlt
This is what the title says now:
"President Bush Pushes Bailout Plan;
House Republicans Resist
Bush Appeals Directly to His Own Party to Come Aboard"
Did it get changed or what?
To: dlt
Dear Congressman Lamborn,
Sir, the corruption and dysfunction within our economic infrastructure is comparable to state of the Federal Government's various security organs prior to 9/11. The restructuring of those organs under the Dept of Homeland Security has been successful - this can be observed simply by the absense of attacks since 9/11 - what they did is working.
I think a similar restructuring of the mechanisms of financial governance is warranted. Propping up the existing structure will do nothing but perpetuate the systemic corruption that has led us to the precipice we now stand upon.
The restructuring should be guided by the principle, that the function of systems of governance, the purpose of government - is to secure the inalienable rights of the governed; the same purpose of government that was articulated by the writers of the American Declaration of Independence.
BA'AL (ba'al; Heb. ba`al, "lord, owner, master, possessor").
When the collective organizational structure of governance becomes the object of worship and subjugation - that is the classic definition of Fascism.
It was precisely the corrupt, collective human nature, presently manifested in the hierarchical framework of our systems of financial governance - that the founders sought to protect the individual from when they demanded separation between government and religion.
It is quite obvious that Wall Street has become the figurative temple of what is effectively the modern secular humanist worship of Baal. It is also quite obvious that Corporate Collective pyramids have risen up over the past century to become the new state - effectively surpassing, circumventing, and even subjugating the power of the elected reprehensives of our Republic.
Such is the collective nature of humanity - from which those who wrote and implemented the Declaration of Independence sought to protect us.
Bernanke is only focused upon preserving the structure of governance - not in reforming, and constraining it back within its rightful American, constitutional, purpose.
Restructure the system, flatten the collective pyramids, and return the power of the Republic to the elected representatives of the Republic's Individual citizens; because to do otherwise is to effectively abandon the American Ideal - that Individuals are endowed with inalienable rights, and that the purpose of systems of governance, financial and otherwise, must be TO SECURE THESE RIGHTS.
It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us
that from these honored dead we take increased devotion
to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion
that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom
and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
--Abraham Lincoln, Gettysberg; November 19, 1863
Eternal Vigilence.
Veritas Honor!
posted on
09/26/2008 12:23:47 PM PDT
(A bird flies because the right wing opposes the left.)
To: KoRn
Exactly KoRn! It’s a set up. Let the Democrats stick their neck out and go along with Bush on this. Voters will punish those who went along with this. Mark my words.
posted on
09/26/2008 12:23:47 PM PDT
(Ralph Stanley & The Clinch Mountain Boys)
To: dlt
So now we have two big shots who hate Wall Street, who normally wouldn’t lift a finger to help them, supporting the deal. Maybe now people will get a clue that this is for real.
posted on
09/26/2008 12:23:54 PM PDT
(The issue of whether cheap labor makes America great should have been settled by the Civil War.)
To: dlt
Lousy TROLL !
I reported YOU for this scam !
posted on
09/26/2008 12:24:14 PM PDT
To: dlt
If true, I’m pulling my support and stopping payment on my campaign checks...I’d rather blame Bar-Hack for the coming depression castastrophe than a Republican.
posted on
09/26/2008 12:24:23 PM PDT
(please pray for future President McCain, day minus 130-Jan. 20--and counting)))
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