1. I give it a D-!
Overall C. Bush tries hard but he has no stones to take on the 'Rats.
F minus. Counting the war on terror into that, I’d give him an F plus minus. I have NEVER been so disappointed in any person that I voted for, and that includes Nixon, as I have George W. Bush. I think that he has blown everything that was gained in 2000. I remember well, right after the elections, with Bush in the White House and the Congress under republican control, all the talking heads saying that the republicans would rule Washington for the next 20 years. Funny, something happened and the stupid asses didn’t last six years. They blew it. Totally blew it. Spent like drunken sailors on liberty for the first time (sorry sailors). Bush acted like he was a conservative. He certainly threw the word around alot. However, he wasn’t. He was at best a moderate-liberal. He certainly never met a tax payer dollar he didn’t like to spend. I’ve been voting since the first Nixon administration, and for the first time in my life, I am going to go to the polls on election day and vote for a person that I do not like and do not believe will do the job, simply because I have to too keep a liberal socialist slime ball nobody out of the White House. I have no one to vote for, yet have to vote for McCain and I am sick at my stomach at having to do that. I know full well the alternative. However, HAVING to vote for someone is not choosing to vote for someone. I’d rather have a choice. Few republicans give me that chance any more. Thank God my senator, Jeff Sessions and my congresscritter, Mike Rogers are conservatives I can vote for and not hold my nose.
Blackmailed by a group of crooked businesssmen. Why should the american people believe Paulson...a lehman brother hack...
these people including all the democrats involved need to be in the clanger...
you know they are salivating at the thought of getting hold of that $700billion....
They have the president convinced...
You know what...my retirement is up in the air here but I’d rather work till I’m 85 before I see these rotten bastids get hold of that money and share it with the likes of Reins and Obama, Dodds and Frank...
This is the last kiss in the mail...
“1. I give it a D-!”
You’re too generous, how about a F-.