I have been a daily bee pollen and bee propolis for years. Yes...and use honey too, about a quart per month. My husband and son do not wish to take the bee products, and have had NASTY summer colds/nasal infections. We live in the same house and I haven’t even had a sniffle. Then again, I haven’t had a real cold in years. I also practice ginseng on a nearly daily basis. These old remedies of preventative maintenance work! Doctors do not want to tell you though. Know why? You’d be HEALTHY and NOT NEED THEM!!!
Uh, my grammar sucks today, I’ve been a regular USER of pollen and propolis. (Maybe a shot of coffee would have helped today with my spelling/thinking ;>)
Gals I work with insist that a dose (Tablespoonful?) of high-quality Apple Cider Vinegar each day mixed into 8 oz. of water keeps them healthy, too.
What say you?