“What was Fannie May...?”
Payoffs, corruption and the raping of the American taxpayer.
From, of all places, MSNBC: “Report: Fannie Mae manipulated accounting Executive bonuses drove practices; mortgage giant fined $400 million”
From Google:
Fannie Mae reported paying the following executive bonuses in 1998:
chairman and chief executive James A. Johnson received $1.932 million;
Franklin D. Raines, chairman-designate, received $1.11 million;
Chief Operating Officer Lawrence M. Small received $1.108 million;
Vice Chairman Jamie S. Gorelick received $779,625;
Chief Financial Officer J. Timothy Howard received $493,750; and
Robert J. Levin, an executive vice president, received $493,750.
“Money for nothin’ and your chicks for free.”
I believe the Lawrence M. Small noted in your list of officers is the same man who was formerly Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and discharged in March 2007 for persuing a “Dom Perignon lifestyle.”