I think it's the PC “Bradley” effect of many people not trusting the pollsters and not exactly telling the pollsters what they really think or feel.
It's the usual leftist PC intimidation.
If Hussein Obambi O’Baloney wins, we are doomed. If he wins and we're lucky, the military will stage a coup d'etat and drive a tank into the White House and remove Obambi and all his treasonous leftist cohorts and enablers and throw them into the stockades.
I had an interesting conversation with a friend of my son's last night. He was talking about how he doesn't trust Obama and wouldn't vote for him. He is in college and all of the kids in his school are in the tank for Obama. He said he doesn't discuss his preference for McCain with them in fear he would be called a racist. He said when other students said anything negative against Obama that is what they were accused of so he wasn't even going to bother to talk to them.
I thought it was very revealing and got me thinking that maybe some of the poll results lately that have given Obama the bounce that he has is indeed a result of the Bradley effect. I noticed that over the past few days the media are once again bringing in the race card and that may have something to do with it.