Just last week it became illegal here in Alaska to drive while sending a text message. I thought the stupidest thing about the law was that it was actually thought to be necessary but I guess there is always that 1% of people that don’t don’t think there is anything wrong with driving and texting.
“Just last week it became illegal here in Alaska to drive while sending a text message. I thought the stupidest thing about the law was that it was actually thought to be necessary but I guess there is always that 1% of people that dont dont think there is anything wrong with driving and texting.”
So true, but your “1%” estimate is off by an order of magnitude at least. I can’t speak for Alaska. I live in No CA and before any restrictions came into law wrt cel phoning while driving, I’d have to say that no less than 10% to 15% of the driving populace had a cel phone to their ear at any given instant. I myself don’t use text, but it seems pretty obvious that texting demands a lot more attention than talking on a phone.
Where I live, there happens to be an “odd” combination of seriously older folks at the tail end of being competent to drive by ANY measure; and soccer moms and many male whale-hugger drivers who think that the most prudent thing to do is to pull up right behind you in a neighboring lane so that they are right in your blind spot, won’t pass, won’t slow down. Three feet from your bumper, totally invisible, and they think they’re being smart. It is truly the liberal form of driving, LOL. Actually, it isn’t funny, it drives me batty. And in this area, I swear it must be illegal to use directional signals, no more than 20% of lane changes I see are signaled. By any class of driver, talking Mercedes and Lexus down to ‘71 Nissan pickup. The one thing about this area I rarely see is the type of driver dominant in Los Angeles, (which is how I categorize myself) very used to being on the fwys at high speed, courteous but I can’t read your frickin mind, conscious, but yeah, they mean to get where they’re going.