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To: Polarik

Here’s the interaction between you and the other experts. We might all want to copy this stuff in case their website gets taken down.

I have to confess that the back & forth is above my head, as I have pointed out before with this very website.

When you write your book you’ll need to explain things very clearly, using lots of pictures and keeping the issues at a level that normal people can get a grasp on it. Otherwise it just starts to look like experts chattering away & hand waving.

The Birth of a Conspiracy

Dr. Neal Krawetz

30 posted on 08/27/2008 2:01:23 PM PDT by Kevmo (A person's a person, no matter how small. ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: Polarik

Here’s another two articles I’d like to ask for your comment on. From Taylor Marsh.

The Swiftboating of Barack Obama: The Birth Certificate Saga
Guest post by Patrick McKinnion

Around the start of July, “TexasDarlin” starts to question not just the COLB, but Sen. Obama’s citizenship. She has a guest author, “Judah Benjamin”, who “NoQuarter” claims is a “historian and former journalist”. “Judah Benjamin” later states this is not his real name, but he took it because the “original Judah Phillip Benjamin was the most complex case of Multiple Nationality and Allegiance I could think of.”. The original Judah P. Benjamin was a former U.S. Senator from Louisiana, and later Confederate Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State, before exiling himself from the United States and settling in England.

Juah Benjamin’s initial claim is that Sen. Obama either has dual-citizenship (US/Kenya) though his father or lost his US citizenship when his mother married an Indonesian citizen. He starts to claim there may be a second certificate for a “Barry Soetoro” and that if he was adopted by his mother’s husband, then he lost his US citizenship. One does not lose their “native born” citizenship as a child, even if both parents renounced their US citizenship. There’s no record Stanley Ann Soetoro ever renounced her US citizenship, and even if Barack Obama had been adopted, he would have had to renounce his US citizenship as an adult to lose it.

Later he tries the argument is that someone who has by birth one than one citizenship is ineligible to be POTUS due to “divided loyalties”. Again, this argument is a load of tripe, since up until recently US law didn’t even recognize dual citizenship, and only started to because other countries do. Basically Mr. Benjamin states that the operative qualification to be President is Article II of the US Constitution

The argument he makes is that a dual citizen is the same as a naturalized citizen and is therefore NOT a “Natural Born Citizen”, even if they were born on US soil. He later compares three of the people who ran for President:

Sen. McCain - was born in the US Canal Zone and has possible Panamanian citizenship which was voided when he joined the US Navy.

Gov. Richardson - was born in the US of Mexican parents and thus has duel US/Mexican citizenship. Quote: “Governor Richardson probably is Eligible to be President of Mexico but not POTUS” (does this kinda smack of racism to anyone other than me??)

Sen. Obama - The smoking gun he claims here is from the “fight the smears” website, which cites the 14th amendment to prove Sen. Obama’s citizenship. (That post-Civil War amendment was originally used to first intended to secure rights for former slaves,)

Mr. Benjamin claims that either Sen. Obama is either “A UK and Colonies Subject”, a “Kenyan Citizen”, an “Indonesian Citizen”, or otherwise “born outside the United States, for example in Canada?” In any case, he believes that Sen. Obama, like Gov. Richardson, doesn’t meet the qualifications in Article II.

Isn’t it funny that the two half-white / half-minorities are the only ones that “Judah Benjamin” down-checks as “ineligible”

“Judah Benjamin” at this point starts making a laundry-list of demands, including “All Indonesian Identity Documents, Indonesian Adoption Papers and an Indonesian Passport”, “A Canadian Birth Certificate”, “All Documentation in the US, Indonesia and, possibly Canada, relative to Stanley Ann Dunham and Maya Kassandra Soetoro-Ng, because their Records are relevant to, and intimately connected with the Senator”, “A Public Appearance, on National TV, on Oath, before the Attorney General of the United States of America by Senator Barack Hussein Obama Jr”,

Let me point out something here. It doesn’t matter if Sen. Obama presents these things or not. Why? Because it will NEVER be enough Even if he were to do all these things, the PUMAs and their allies would just find something else more and more and more unreasonable to demand. That in a nutshell is what PUMA is trying to do here - set the bar higher and higher, make more and more unreasonable and outrageous remands, and then claim “proof” when they’re not met. It’s a very typical “moving the goalposts” tactic.

Meanwhile, “TexasDarlin” makes the sudden announcement that (gasp!) she has”personally come to the conclusion recently that Obama’s COLB was probably real, although its handling has been incredibly sloppy” She blames Obama and starts to hammer more on the supposed citizenship questions. She later has “Polarik” on as a guest blogger, with an article in which the title pretty much sums it up “OBAMA’S FAKE BIRTH CERTIFICATE, why I’m right and they’re wrong (V. 3)”. Obviously one can’t argue with scholarship like that, eh?

At this point, Dr. Neal Krawetz reviewed the work of the people who have analysied the COLBs and claimed they were fake. His conclusion? “Unfortunately, there is not much I can say to the people who believe this image has been manipulated, except “you’re wrong.” There is no indication of image manipulation.” Later on, Dr. Krawetz does a follow up, where he reveals not only that the “image experts” don’t know what they’re talking about, but goes into what he observed about “Ron Polarik”:

“Even though he says he is an expert, he focuses on pixel-based qualitative analysis rather than quantitative analysis and technical evaluation methods. Moreover, he uses no terms common to the field. This reminds me of the Wikipedia scandal where an author claimed to be a professor of theology, yet made it all up.”

He ends with “TexasDarlin should have never promoted the conspiracy when her “experts” were unverified. And upon learning of the error, she should have recanted the accusation rather than continue to promote a baseless conspiracy.”

Middle of July, “TexasDarlin” discusses a Congressional resolution declaring Sen. John McCain “a natural born citizen”. Why does this concern “TexasDarlin”?? Because it was introduced by Claire McCaskill, “a major Obama supporter in Congress” according to TexasDarlin. She also cites “Contrarian Commentary”, YET another right-wing blog. This one is by so-called “legendary Chicago muckraker” Andy Martin, who compared Obama to Hitler with such gems as:

“Hitler’s troubled family life and psyche? Adolph meet Barack. Philandering father Barack-from-Kenya impregnates impressionable girl from Kansas-Washington-Hawaii, most likely without benefit of clergy. Father moves on and leaves a wound in his son’s life. The son reverses field and receives “dreams from his father,” instead of nightmares. Fantasy reigns.”

Andy Martin also calls Sen. Obama’s father a “Rake”, and his mother “promiscuous”, sayng “Is this Obama’s idea of ‘family values?” and “Shameful values is more like it”

“TexasDarlin” brings in another so-called “Forensics Expert”, “TechDude”. His report started with the line “The following report was written for TD/NQ by Techdude, who hurried to complete it after his tires were slashed and a mutilated rabbit was found hanging by his front door.”. So who is this “TechDude”?? He was an anonymous “Tech Expert” on Atlas Shrugs. Israel Insider picts it up too. As for the rabbit, well we only have TechDude’s claim on this, and it was around the same time that the founder at PUMA PAC made a simular unproven claim about so-called death threats

Hmmmm......On one hand, we have a known expert on computer forensics saying the “Cult of the COLB” is wrong in their claims. On the other hand, we have now three anonymous bloggers who’s claims keep getting far-fetched.

“TexasDarlin” found an article in a Hawaiian paper (the Sunday Advertiser), dated 12 August 1961, stating “Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, a 6084 Kalanianaole Hwy., son, August 4.” She then said that “Barack Obama was likely born in Honolulu, the hospital still unknown”. At this point, “TexasDarlin” went mostly from arguing the COLB was a forgery, (though she still believes it was), to asking questions about his citizenship. Later “TexasDarlin” and “Judah Benjamin” claim that: “Barack Obama was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, his Indonesian step-father”and that “Barry Soetoro” (what they claim as Sen. Obams’s “real” name) “acquired Indonesian citizenship as a result of that adoption AND that he (Soetoro/Obama) may STILL hold Indonesian citizenship today.”

Later, “TexasDarlin” posts to “NoQuarter” is that it’s “solved - at least in (her) mind”. And the solution is a doozy, combining all the past info into one big fritatta of wingnut lunacy. She’s managed to claim that the COLB IS forged, his original name is Barry, there are at least three birth certificates, he has dual-citizenship though his father, Indonesian citizenship though Lolo Soetoro, (she manages to work in the famous “went to school as a Muslim” slur into that one as well), he changed his name at 18 to Barack, oh, and he STILL might have been born in Canada after all.

“Polarik” tries to defend his work to Dr. Neal Krawetz. And gets his rear handed to him publically as Dr. Krawetz expains why he’s wrong and ends with him telling “Polarik” that “Your theory and indisputable evidence is laughable and does not hold up to even a precursory glance.” Real professional 1, Internet “professional” zero.

As a result, July pulled to a close, in a spun cloud of bigger and bigger and more wild-assed speculation. It would be hysterical if it wasn’t so pathetic. Like a little kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar, the lie they spin grows bigger and bigger and wilder and wilder until it’s obvious the only people willing to believe it are the other little kids who want to believe it.

To follow this story further, see part 1, part 3, 4, 5 and 6, and Updates, at Yes to Democracy No to Puma.

Obama’s Birth Certificate - Fake or Myth? (Part 5)
When I first started writing this, I had three parts to it. But changes and updates suddenly came so fast and furious that I ended up expanding it, with no end in sight.

3 August - Dr. Neal Krawetz responds to my question about the amount of experience “Texas Darlin” claims for “Polarik” and “Techdude”. Bear in mind he’s an academic, and hesitant to use definitives in sentences. That being said, he states that both of them are frauds. He also points out: “Texas Darlin is nothing more than a conspiracy freak. Moreover, the account may be more than one person. In fact, Texas Darlin has contradicted herself between posting on multiple occasions.”

3 August “Techdude” releases his “exclusive report”. The 1st ten paragraphs are attacking his critics, along with the throw-away comment “As a heads up to the guilty parties – the names and dates have already been restored – as has the fact the owner is a female born in the 70’s. That is all that will be revealed publicly for now. Besides if I turn up in a ditch someplace the information is already in a few 3rd party hands and they will just release it in my place.” Wow, martyr much??

So he’s making the claim that he’s supposely recovered the “original owners” information on the COLB - but is withholding that information to “allow the forgers to come clean”. Why at this point do I get the feeling that he’s trying to forge his own version of the COLB and present that as the “smoking gun”??

The breakdown on his article:

10 paragraphs attacking his critics
1 on “Security Borders”
3 on Printers
1 on Scanners
15 on “Erased Security Features”
7 on the “Artifacts of Previous Owner”
8 paragraphs once again attacking his critics.
2 paragraphs on his “credentials”

So, 47 paragraphs, and 20 of them are attacks on critics and his supposed credentials. At one point he says “Besides my full name and contact information will be released shortly once the entire set of facts has been released to the public. This way if I end up at the bottom of a construction site someplace in NJ the world will still have all the information I was going to provide.”, trying to claim it’s a security reason rather than the most obvious - i.e. he’s blowing smoke out his butt.

I don’t believe anyone’s out to get him. I don’t believe in vandalized cars or mutilated bunnies. I don’t believe that local law enforcement is out to get him. NONE of what he says is credible, and this “sooper sekret spy” crapola doesn’t make it any the more credible. And I find the whole “I have evidence that I’m not going to show yet” thing very questionable. You have the evidence, then SHOW IT! Submit it to proper peer review. If you’re a member of the organizations you claim, then obviously you should have a way for other trained professionals to review your information and go “Okay, that’s credible” or “Wow, that’s a lot of horse manure”. The “I’ve got a secret I won’t tell” thing does nothing but undermine your case.

Not to mention the cheap potshot of “everyone involved who actually does matter has already vetted my background so you will have to forgive me if I really do not give a rat’s keester if some unemployed garbage man from Wisconsin or people who’s only claim to fame is they can write bible stories on a blog can not check my references.” You know, I think it’s more “the people who are willing to believe my claims have vetted my background, and the rest scare me”.

Now, again, the State of Hawaii has CONFIRMED the COLB as real. The only people who believe it’s a forgery are PUMA cranks and *some* right-wing cranks.

3 August - Not content to be left out of the fun Pamela Geller at “Atlas Shrugs” has a Special from “TechDude” that the original owner of the COLB in question is *gasp* female. Mind you, this was already claimed in the “TexasDarlin” post, but this former Free Republic “Conservative Babe of the Week” couldn’t be left out of the fun. Not surprising, as the stuff I’m finding out about Ms. Geller tends to make her out to be a real piece of work.

Oh, and like “TexasDarlin”, she’s pimping the supposed credentials of “TechDude”. Same problem as “TexasDarlin”, you can claim to be a “member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, American College of Forensic Examiners, The International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners, International Information Systems Forensics Association - the list goes on” all you want. But the only proof we have of ANY of it is the claims of “TechDude”, “TexasDarlin”, and Pamela Geller. Though I will give Ms. Geller complements for the fact that, unlike the other two, she’s at least willing to sign her own name to her writings and own her words as a result.

4 August - I was examining the claims of Pamela Geller and “TexasDarlin” about “TechDude’s” supposed credentials. And happened to come across the code of ethics for one of the organizations. Which got me to looking further. For example, the International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners, (which “TechDude” claims to be a member) shows theirCode of Ethics. In this, a member promises, among other things to:

* Maintain the utmost objectivity in all forensic examinations and accurately present findings.

and not:

* Withhold any evidence that would tend to distort the truth.
* Express an opinion on the guilt or innocence of any party.
* Show bias or prejudice in findings or examinations.

Indeed, And yet what we’re seeing with “TechDude’s” supposed research is nothing but bias, prejudice, distortion, and anything but objectivity. And he’s certainly been expressing an opinion on the guilt or innocence of the Obama campaign as well.

The claim is also that he’s a member of the Association of Cetified Fraud Examiners. I found a code of ethics , that stated “A Certified Fraud Examiner, in conducting examinations, will obtain evidence or other documentation to establish a reasonable basis for any opinion rendered. No opinion shall be expressed regarding the guilt or innocence of any person or
party.”, has well as “A Certified Fraud Examiner will reveal all material matters discovered during the course of an examination which, if omitted,
could cause a distortion of the facts.” Funny, didn’t “TechDude” just admit he was withholding the supposed name of the person he claimed was on the COLB, as well as other information??

There is also a claim that he’s a member of the American College of Forensic Examiners, who has their creed as well.

I believe one could argue successfully that, if “TechDude” was indeed a member of these organizations, complaints could be filed against him charging him with muliple violations of their codes of ethics and ethical creeds.

To recap: Sen. Obama’s COLB has been verified by the state of Hawaii. Some people are still trying to prove otherwise and claim there’s this huge cover up. This is called “paranoia”

Others are trying to use another tactic, claiming he not not a “proper” US citizen. Said definition of “proper” varies from day to day, and is usually coupled with a ever-increasing list of demands.

“TexasDarlin” and the “experts” she keeps finding are losing what little credibility they had then the COLB was proven to be legit. There is NO credibility left for them to claim anything else. Yet they keep trying to flog that very dead horse.

Currently?? “Polarik” has left his blog for the time being, still claiming it’s all true and showing up on “TexasDarlin’s” site.

“TechDude” is still pluggin at it though He claimed on 11 July that his first name was “Adam” and to be the”owner and primary forensic examiner of a computer forensic science laboratory”, and lists a stream of professional organizations he supposedly belongs to. Of course, without knowing his last name (which he refuses to give out due to “too many nut cases in the world”), we have no way of knowing if this is true or bulldada. And in some of those cases, he’s in violation of their ethical and conduct codes.

He also claims to have received training from the Treasury Department, Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, and the FBI, and believes he has evidence that the local law enforcement was behind the bunny incident.

Pamela Geller at “Atlas Shrugs” gushes, saying “I prefer to call him a Randian or in Geller terms,the ideal man.” I think that the term they’re actually looking for is “Complete and total nutcase” because he certain sounds to anyone outside the PUMA echo chambers and conspiracy cranks to be a few french fries short of a happy meal.

And “TexasDarlin” ? Still posting at her blog and “NoQuarter”, throwing anything she can against the wall and praying that something sticks.

Posted by Patrick McKinnion at 06:38 PM | Permalink

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32 posted on 08/27/2008 2:17:45 PM PDT by Kevmo (A person's a person, no matter how small. ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: Kevmo

Dr. Neal Krawetz is a hack, as bogus as theCOLB imae, with zero credibility. He, like Koyaan, thinks that cursing at me makes his comments seem more valid.

55 posted on 08/27/2008 7:58:54 PM PDT by Polarik ("The Greater Evil")
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