That's precisely what I am claiming. And let me reiterate that neither the opinions of you, me, Mason, Madison, Jefferson, Washington, or any other person commenting on Virginia law matter one wit when it comes to the Bill of Rights/First Amendment.
How can you claim to respect original intent and then ignore the obvious intent of the writer of the Amendment, the intent of the writer of the Virginia law the Amendment was based upon, and the intent of the founder who insisted that there BE a Bill of Rights?
And you still have not answered my questions about God and dice, after claiming I never asked it in the first place. I have now asked it of you twice. Why no answer?
You also cannot tell me how you propose that epigenetic mechanisms can derive genetic variation rather than phenotypic variation. It seems your source confirmed that genetic variation is due to mutation and that epigenetics changes phenotype. Can you address this discrepancy between what you claim and what your source said?