That's not true. The majority wants creation and/or ID taught in schools along with evolution. If it were the majority who wanted it, there wouldn't be lawsuits trying to keep it out because the majority would have their way.
The private school option is available to evos as well. Since the majority want creation and ID addressed in schools, the atheist/secular humanist/evo can start their own private schools that prohibit any mention of any deity and send their own kids there.
The option always thrown to creationists as a scrap is just as good an option for the evos. Create your own school promoting your own belief system at your own expense.
No, actually the majority of people you hang with wants it.
Religious school is for those that want their beliefs taught. Not public school, unless you want everyone’s beliefs taught, then there would be no time for anything else.
You want religion in school, send the kids to a religious school. That is not what the public schools are for. And, yes, many people send their kids to private schools that are science based, thank God for that. But, public schools are neutral ground, respect that.