Actually, having the session gaveled to a close by Bela Pelosi, before a vote could be taken, is great fodder for EVERY Republican member of Congress. Instead of staying in DC and acting mad, they need to GO HOME and meet with as many of their constituents as they possible can over the next few weeks. They can recount how the Democrat majority in the House is refusing to allow those constituents to have their say, through their elected officials. The Republicans can campaign HARD on how much better it would be to REMOVE those Democrats from office AND take away their majority, and their ability to stifle debate and deny citizens their representation.
Republicans have just been handed Congress on a silver platter, let's keep the pressure on them so they don't squander this opportunity.
“Republicans have just been handed Congress on a silver platter, let’s keep the pressure on them so they don’t squander this opportunity”
From your post to God’s ears.....I pray :-)