To: jennyjenny
I just called my Congressman Doc Hastings and asked if he was still in DC. She said he was but thought he was getting ready to leave but was in a meeting now. I asked if he was at the House with the rest on the floor over the oil debate. She wasn't sure. I told her it would be nice if he got over there and gave support to those that were there. She asked if I wanted to leave a message. I said yes. "Drill Here, Drill Now." She took my name address etc.
I hope my rep shows some balls and gets over there.
398 posted on
08/01/2008 11:07:11 AM PDT by
(You are free to make choices, but not free from the consequences)
To: Spunky
2:20 PM EDT Rush telling now 40 Republicans on the floor now.
418 posted on
08/01/2008 11:09:38 AM PDT by
To: Spunky
I just called Jeff Flakes office and was told he left town. I told the idiot who answered the phone that I am really ticked off that Palosi is practicing sensor ship.
I also told him to find a Congressman who is still in town to get a video camera and for all of them to stand on the Capital steps if they have to, video tape it and put it on UTUBE.
493 posted on
08/01/2008 11:23:23 AM PDT by
(WHEN PELOSI AND REID SPEAK, ALL I CAN THINK OF IS LET THEM EAT CAKE.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson