China tainted milk scandal: Heinz and Mars drawn in
Food and sweet giants Heinz and Mars have been drawn into China’s tainted milk crisis, following Cadbury which was forced to withdraw 11 brands of chocolate from the Far East market.
In all, milk supplies from 22 companies have been found to be affected. Melamine is thought to have been added to supplies by farmers and middlemen because it can disguise low protein readings in watered down and poor quality milk.
Heinz discovered at the end of last week that one batch of “Heinz Intelligence Many Many Vegetable Cereal” on sale in Hong Kong showed traces of melamine.
continues, with more info.
China milk scandal: WHO makes accusations as poisoning spreads
Five per cent of babies in Shanghai have been taken ill in Chinas tainted milk scandal, say city health officials. As many as 10,000 children aged under three have symptoms of kidney stones, they say.
Why is it when I’m away from desk, the news is overflowing?!?!
Important ping!