The cluelessness of liberal fools never ceases to amaze me! How could they choose the ‘drill the acres you have leases for’ mantra without realizing that the Oil Company execs had already smacked them down with Maxine Waters’s threat to ‘take over the opil industry’. I guess the complete lack of comprehension for what capitalism IS leads them to step on thewir own jaws by opening their stupid maws to have their idiocy stuffed down their throats. OR perhaps the fools in liberal lalaland want the oil companies to drill where there isn’t oil, to give the democraps an excuse to call the oil companies as stupid as democraps like Maxine! Never gonna happen, fools
And can you imagine what would happen if Maxine and Harry were running oil exploration in this country after they nationalized the oil companies ? They would force themselves to drill on all those low producing acres before they ever contemplated drilling on the known oil rich acres. These clueless twits would produce a net operating loss for the US treasury, while operating what once was the most profitable industry in US history.