While Marilyn Musgrave is a staunch conservative and a fellow Coloradan, she voted for the recent Farm Bill that Bush vetoed. Obviously, making Musgrave the AgSec would be a mistake.
The fact that Mitt Romney created statewide health care in Massachusetts -— aka. socialized medicine -— marks him unqualified for any position in government. Face it, Willard is a liberal.
Sam Nunn may be a good match for Obama as DefSec. But there are better conservative Republicans around that would do a better job than this moderate Democrat. No thanks.
Mike Huckabee at HHS, LOL. Lets give this position to Sen Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. He's a doctor and a staunch conservative.
As much as I admire Tom Tancredo and his push for strong immigration enforcement, he's not the right choice to head up HLS.
JC Watts has NO experience managing a huge government bureaucracy like the Dept of Labor.
As long as America is fighting the WOT, Joe Lieberman is needed in the Senate.
Duncan Hunter heading up Defense would be awesome.
Phil Graham at Treasury and Megan Kelly as WH spokesperson would be two solid picks.
If John McCain was smart, he'd appoint Fred Thompson as Attorney General.
Fred has already been asked in an interview if he would accept the AG job if offered, and he said no.