1. So, because many have forsaken the knowledge of the Creator, and therefore choose to ignore what the Founders called self-evident truth, I should refrain from pointing to the foundations of our liberty? Sorry, my friend. That just doesn’t make sense. Just because they’re godless, in the literal sense, doesn’t mean I’m going to be.
2. Big deal.
3. Again, much ado about nothing. “Immoral” and “modern” fit just dandy in this conversation, since no generation before this in America slaughtered thousands of innocents every day. Or, for that matter, tried to “marry” sodomites.
4. You contradict yourself. You obviously agree with my assertion that this is an immoral time we live in. But then you go into a long dissertation on why I should pay more heed to what those who are destroying our civilization and our republic think. You err in thinking that I have any illusions about changing their minds about anything. I don’t care what they think. I don’t care about convincing them. They’re invincibly ignorant about what is important. And so, I only care about exposing and defeating them.
On this very thread, they admit they are as pro-abort as any Democrat.
I’m flying in the morning and haven’t started packing nor even finished laundry. I’ve little time now to point out where and how what I see as your blindness makes you determined to blow it and go on serving your enemies.
Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered. Maybe I should have taken the suggestion of others.
The fact that you will dismiss glibly that there is an important distinction in that these are contemporary and not modern times does not say much for your commitment to truth, That lack of commitment is not in keeping with any sound theological stance that I know of.
I too do not give a damn about what those people you specified as your enemies think. But I do give a damn about those they MISLEAD.
And here you are. Easily dismissing what you foolishly think is only semantics, what you call these “much ados.” These are little acorns that your enemies have planted. You haven’t a care in the world that our institutions are rotting from the inside out, from the top down. They couldn’t pay you enough to keep on doing things precisely as you’re doing them. But with you they really don’t have to pay you a dime.
Eternal vigilance should have enough flexibility to try different tactics as your enemies have adapted their tactics. Is it vigilant to have you stranded at a lone rampart tower whilst they go on decimating all that you originally stood against? That’s neither vigilant nor loyal to your commission. It is stubbornly sticking to what you’ve learned once, but having failed to adapt yourself as the battlefield changed, are recast (betraying your enviable pertinaciousness) into a scarecrow by the marauders you hate. They use you to keep the next group of victims from seeking from you the protection you’d love to bestow upon them. But the marauders know you hate them more than you’ll love their victims. They laugh at you. God will deal with them, but He’ll also reprove those who hated the nasties so much that they forgot who to love.
1. You are not behaving godless by not invoking God in your arguments. I would presume your using Him as your guide. Continue. It is rarely pointed out that God asked Abraham to offer Isaac so that He could refuse the offer, and PRECISELY to break the pattern of sacrificing children to lesser gods. You do realize that abortion is a form of giving up one’s child so that one may be able to live life doing other things (serving lesser gods) than the continuation of life creation? Where Pagan societies FORCED this on the parents, our postmodern, anti-natal Western societies have figured out ways to get the parents to VOLUNTEER. Mostly by demonizing religion as a facade for authoritarians.
Work with me on this aspect EV. The volunteers CAN be persuaded in your direction. The pro-abortion crowd claims that abortions are declining. It may be true, and that would be goog, but I don’t trust them or their stats. That they want to lessen the pressure on them is all the motive they need to lie.
2., 3. & 4. I responded to in post 126. I await your thoughts.