Just call him Chuck "Barry"...
Not for the content of his character but for the color of his skin...
“It’s no question, myself being a man of color ...”
In other words, “I’m a racist.”
With this new-found support from Chuck, maybe BO will go with “My Ding-A-Ling” in the home stretch.......
Music is music, politics is light years away. I wouldn’t listen to half the crap I like if I factored in politics.
It’s nice to see an icon like Chuck putting one of the Rolling Stones youngins in his place.
where are the white women at?
Blacks don’t realize they are doing the opposite of MLK; they are voting for him BECAUSE he’s black.
I bet 95% can’t name three things this phoney stands for.
“Take a Chance on Me” as a theme song? Horrible. Sounds like begging. Or lack of confidence. Sheesh. McCaine deserves to lose. First choose a song where the singer supports the other candidate. Then, choose ABBA.
Johnny B. Goode. Classic. Phenomonal. Chuck Berry Rocks. Music wize.
If he plays around here, I'll go see him. An Icon of Rock.
That is the most racist attitude a person can possibly have.
I don't like Obama because he is going to decimate our National Defenses, increase my taxes and disarm the law abiding.
But yet, I am a racist because I won't vote for Obama?
These black racists disgust me.
No, No, NO NO OH FORGIVE ME THOU MESIAH for fainting, I Be Obamatized.
I am deeply and personally disappointed. Not only that, but having always regarded Chuck Berry as one of the true sages among American Intellectuals, I am seriously reconsidering my opposition to Barack Obama.
When a man of such perspicacity and insight throws his considerable political weight behind a candidate, who am I to question?
I have only to remember the great volume and depth of published writing that Berry has authored on the political scene to discard as flotsam the opinions of young upstarts such as Thomas Sowell (who’s probably just an Uncle Tom shill for Wall Street bankers and international corporations anyway.)
Thanks Chuck, for setting us straight! Hope and Change - That’s the ticket!
McCain needs a theme song like the Scorpions’ Rock You Like a Hurricane and do it... Do it so the lyrics become Rock you like John McCain. And he better take the fight to the Democrats in short order.
Can’t anyone see beyond his skin color?
Sorry, but the Presidency of the United States is not an affirmative action position. It should not and cannot be used to correct past wrongs.
I don’t care about his politics—Chuck Berry rocks!
I saw him live once... what a show!
Funny, first Barak wasn’t black enough, now he’s blacker than Malcom X.
Hmmmm! Is it true that Berry put a camera in a women’s restroom? I seem to remember somethin’ creepy like that. He’s had several brushes with the law. As a musician, I actually know guys who have played in his “pick up” bands. He’s a notorious jerk to the people who play with him. I always liked his early lyrics, and found his guitar style interesting in that he adapted Johnson’s boogie-woogie piano style to guitar. But the thing I always liked about his early records was Johnson pounding away at the keys. And I’m a guitar player!
Anyway, he’s known as a very unpleasant individual.
Abba, the 1970s Swedish band? McCain couldn't manage to find one American group with a song? What a disaster...
I wonder what James Brown, the “Godfather of Soul” would have said about this.
He was a staunch Republican.