And, please explain (I’ve asked you this before) how the state could investigate the case and get evidence to charge the men without taking the kids into custody, especially when at least many of the women were lying. I don’t expect you to answer, but I’ll keep asking as long as you keep wondering why the men weren’t rounded up.
“And, please explain (Ive asked you this before) how the state could investigate the case and get evidence to charge the men without taking the kids into custody, especially when at least many of the women were lying.”
That is the state’s problem. They can’t break constitutional law because they have a hunch. You can’t deprive people of their constitutional rights. Constitutional rights trump everything; otherwise, tear it up and none of us have any rights.
If this is allowed to stand, none of us are safe in our homes because someone may make a false report about us and katy bar the door!
Remember, this whole mess got started with a false report. You can’t just lump an entire community into one big pot and condemn them all over a false report. As I recall, there was one supposed teenage girl (the hoax) who accused one FLDS man of abusing her. Now, why didn’t they look for that one man and leave everyone else alone?
I don’t like the way Jehovah’s Witnesses raise their kids and I don’t like the way Christian Scientists raise their kids - you know withholding of blood transufions and medical care. Kids have died, you know. Suppose we go round up all the children born in the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christian Scientists cults - we will do it “for the children”.
I’m scared to live in a country where the authorities have this much power.
It’s a very slippery slope.