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DNC Superdelegate Puts His Vote Up For Sale ^
| 05/07/2008
| Tzuriel
Posted on 05/08/2008 2:14:24 PM PDT by MSMLies
DNC Superdelegate Puts His Vote Up For Sale Steven Ybarra Wants $20 Million For His Vote SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CBS13) ― In this tight battle for the Democratic nomination we've heard a lot about the candidates courting superdelegates.
But, one superdelegate is courting the candidates. He says he'll sell his vote for a price. A very high price: $20 million.
Steven Ybarra of Sacramento says that eight-figure price is peanuts for the presidency.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: 2008; bribery; buyingvotes; cultureofcorruption; democratparty; democrats; democratscandals; election; electionlaws; elections; feclaws; hillary; howtostealanelection; obama; payola; stevenybarra; superdelegates; superwhore; voterfraud; ybarra
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To: rdl6989
posted on
05/09/2008 1:21:50 AM PDT
To: prayforpeaceofJerusalem
"Isnt this what happened to Rome?"
I had the same thought. However, to all those who think that the vote selling is illegal, remember that this is a Private Party Vote, not a Federal Election Vote. Would it be illegal for a stock owner to sell his voting interest at a shareholder meeting? No. A poltical party vote is much the same thing. Not illegal, just unethical. Unethical is par for the course when it comes to the 'Rats.
And you can be sure that all of the superdelegates are selling their votes in one way or another. Most are probably asking for future earmarks, committee assignments, federal jobs for relatives, a retirement as an ambassador somewhere, etc.
posted on
05/09/2008 8:35:44 AM PDT
(Now, go away, or I shall taunt you a second time-a!)
To: Continental Soldier
“This item tells everyone all he needs to know about democrat(ic politicians).”
(If I may assume that’s what you meant )
Yes. It tells us they’re all whores. High-rent low-class, but whores.
posted on
05/09/2008 8:43:13 AM PDT
(I reserve the right to misinterpret the comments of any and all pesters)
To: weegee
On one hand we have the expenses of a campaign for travel,staff, advertising, stumping,wardrobe, etc.
Then, we have the part of giving money to Delegates.
With so much rhetoric over McCain-Feingold campaign laws, when it really gets down to the nitty-gritty, the phrase ‘democratic vote’ gets thrown out the window, as long as as the cash is ‘shoveled in’ the window.
posted on
05/09/2008 9:09:30 AM PDT
(I reserve the right to misinterpret the comments of any and all pesters)
To: MSMLies
“He says he’ll sell his vote for a price. A very high price: $20 million.”
Well I at least give the man credit. He is exposing the blatant hypocrisy loud and clear.
posted on
05/09/2008 9:14:36 AM PDT
(I reserve the right to misinterpret the comments of any and all pesters)
To: kellynla
“so this genius can go pound sand!”
Maybe he’d settle for a quickie with Hillary?
Oops. It’s a democrat, so.... a quickie with Obama?
posted on
05/09/2008 9:16:41 AM PDT
(I reserve the right to misinterpret the comments of any and all pesters)
P.S. No offense intended to whores.
posted on
05/09/2008 9:19:53 AM PDT
(I reserve the right to misinterpret the comments of any and all pesters)
To: Pinkbell
“Super Delegate votes cant legally be sold, can they?”
Super Delegates
Voting blocs
Influential race leadership
Influential corporate leadership
Oranized Religion
Voters (The democratic theme that says ‘vote for me and I’ll give you health care for free(but it aint).
Walking Money.
Free Cigarettes and Booze.
Everything on that list says VOTE FOR SALE.
Even if it were illegal, it would only be illegal for Republicans.
posted on
05/09/2008 9:30:33 AM PDT
(I reserve the right to misinterpret the comments of any and all pesters)
To: MSMLies; Rennes Templar; LexBaird; mikrofon; martin_fierro; lowbridge; trooprally; Larry Lucido; ...
Since this type of Democratic behavior is now public, we need a new word.
A Culture of Ho-rruption?
Ballot-Headed Shmoes?
Work with me here.
Pun for All and All for Pun....
Funners & Punners
ping list PING! (see keyword FReePun)
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you must be out of your minds....
Let me know of any appropriate candidate threads. I don't ping the list to threads that are sacreligious or tacky or seem likely to become so.
(on or off requests, just FReepmail, enclosing a nominal $217.95 list processing fee).
posted on
05/09/2008 9:59:44 PM PDT
The Spirit Of Allegiance
(Public Employees: Honor Your Oaths! Defend the Constitution from Enemies--Foreign and Domestic!)
To: The Spirit Of Allegiance
To: The Spirit Of Allegiance; CardCarryingMember.VastRightWC
“A Culture of Ho-rruption?”
Ballot of Easy Voter?
posted on
05/09/2008 10:45:33 PM PDT
( updated Monday, April 28, 2008)
To: SunkenCiv
Your mention of democRAT Stupordelegates in the same sentence as the word "Ho" reminds me ...... There have been news blurbs from the local Denver media on how the sex industry plans to make windfall profits this summer when the convention is in town. No word yet on whether the lion's share of the sex $ will go to hetero- or homo- sexual hookers.
OTOH, I'm looking at the fact that the single biggest special interest bloc within the Dim Party is the NEA. So with all these Dim teachers in town, I wouldn't be surprised if the demand for junior high and high school aged hookers will skyrocket? After all, the more rounds of balloting they have to endure in a deadlocked convention day after day, the longer these educators will be separated from their "young meat" ..... errrr, excuse me, I meant to say their "favorite pupils" back home.
To: CardCarryingMember.VastRightWC
I’m sure the NEA and NAMBLA will find common ground... in fact, they already have...
posted on
05/10/2008 1:36:28 AM PDT
( updated Monday, April 28, 2008)
To: MSMLies
posted on
05/10/2008 1:42:02 AM PDT
Fresh Wind
(Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.)
To: MSMLies
And the Democrats “Superdelegate” concept gets even less democratic. Party of the little people my butt!
To: The Spirit Of Allegiance
will whore for votes...
posted on
05/10/2008 7:02:20 AM PDT
(American Hedonist ©®)
To: MaryFromMichigan
I imagine every single one of them is for sale.
posted on
05/10/2008 7:28:59 AM PDT
To: MSMLies
Isn’t selling votes against the law?
posted on
05/10/2008 10:45:28 AM PDT
(Give me back my conservative vote.)
To: MSMLies
“He says he’ll sell his vote for a price. A very high price: $20 million.”
Peanuts. One day in the cattle pits for Hillary will get that sum.
posted on
05/10/2008 11:17:12 AM PDT
("We have to drain the swamp" George Bush, September 2001)
To: The Spirit Of Allegiance
sub par for the course
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