We are quickly headed to a one party political system.
In some states, this is already close to being true (see: Mass, Hawaii, NY, MD). But it's not going to happen nationwide. Instead, the Republican Party as we have known it is either going to undergo massive upheaval or be replaced entirely. Conservatives need strong party leadership and desire a coherent, articulate platform. At the moment, Republicans offer neither.
Avoiding confrontation is not leadership. "The same, but less" is not a platform. We have a President who is not interested in being a party-builder. Fine, that's survivable. But we also have a presumptive candidate for President who appears to be most uncomfortable with members of his own party and goes out of his way to antagonize them. Further, the GOP platform likely to emerge from this summer's convention will likely be a thin gruel of bland platitudes, full of silly sounds and fake fury, signifying nothing. This is a prescription for disaster, and for all his many flaws, Newt Gingrich is right to point it out.
Conservatives either need to retake the GOP or find a new home. Goldwater did it once. Reagan did it a second time (and more successfully). Someone else needs to step up now, because two left-liberal parties in America is at least one too many. "Two" too many, if you ask me.