Warning: “downer” reply in 3... 2... 1....
Where are the well-funded homeschoolers’ unions, with the deep pockets to stand up in court against the teachers’ unions? And the armies to resist the power of the state?
HSers ARE ALREADY PAYING for public school, AND have to pay for their homeschooling. They’re two-parent families; if they can, they live on a single income. They attend and support their churches, missionaries, families. They don’t have money-and-time-to-burn. Leave them the Gehenna alone, and they’ll raise smart, capable, productive, INDEPENDENT-THINKING (and there’s the rub) kids.
But totalitarianism never sleeps.
So, no resources, no organization, no revolution.
They win. HSers move, if they can. California loses.
Here's where to start:
Contribute if you can.