Your hyperbole doesn't help your position. You are coming across as a hysteric. I am certain that is not your intent.
If I am coming across as very concerned about this issue, it is because it is a very important issue in my opinion for this country. I do not have a ‘mantra’ I have backed up my points. I have a right to my opinion which is very simple. Free trade in its’ current inception is bad for the country and this year for Republicans. Believe me, the Dems will hammer McCain on this issue.
The contract award to a foreign competitor will cost the Repubs Ohio in my opinion and the presidency. I am a conservative so I don’t support McCain anyway. My views are reasonable and far from hysterical.
Often I wonder how a free trader can view the wreckage of manufacturing in Buffalo, Ohio, Illinois, Georgia etc and still believe, free trade is good for the country. I think the belief in free trade against all evidence is really a kind of faith-almost a religion.