That is why McLame and his band of 14 RINOS ran across to the democrats. That is why us OHIOAN’s have had to suffer through Tactless Taft, Cry me a rive Voinabitch, and snot nosed DeWiner (finally threw him a democrat and not seen any change .. there wasn’t any difference)
That is why we got no new taxes Bush, and compassionate conservatism Bush. (ever wonder why bush 1 and Reagan didn’t get along??) I hope to H. E. double hockeysticks we never see another Bush family member in the running again
Troops will not suffer. Pelosi made it to speaker of the house on the charge she would get the troops out the next day. The dirty little secret it would be suicide for the majority of the moron democrats to publicly by vote say ...pull them out. Talk is cheap .... talk about defunding the military ...only a handful of dems had the “big ones” to actually put their vote where constituents would see it. Rhetoric is funny that way.
We got to this point by accepting the RNC and State and county to give us RINO’s
No more. Not a single penny. Not a single vote.
I will support individuals and vote for individuals that remain true to the conservative ideals. Never again will i go in holding my nose ..... it leaves a very bad taste that cannot be cleansed easily or quickly. It tends to grow and the stench is where we are today .. we brought it on.
Mock me. Go ahead. And next time instead of buying that new vehicle of choice ... go buy that Yugo instead. It still has four wheels doncha know. Yeah ... lets see how strong your principals are there.
Good post. My thoughts exactly.