What the Nazi did, was done under German/Nazi law. Popular notion were that somehow soldiers just showed up and took you away, where in fact laws were passed in the Reichstag's and administratively enforced by various state security bureaucracies.
Not one German judge or lawyer was ever charged.
Ditto Soviet trials.
How do you think in a modern age tyranny would be? With King George and soldiers in Red Coats? Or do you think it would ( quite efficiently ) use the existing forms of state power?
It is not that the government wants to turn everyone in felons but that it must happen. Every year, more activities which used to be un-lawed are brought into law and made criminal. Every day, each legislator and the federal government pass yet more laws. Most if not all have penalties. Up until the moment the law was passed, the activity or property was legal, the minute after, you or it are criminal.
You must not get around much. Criminals post convictions have all the guns they want. By definition, they don’t obey the law. As it is the law now just makes itself look like a fool.
I have zero, no faith in the abilities of state officials in judging future behaviors. No even if they could see into the hearts of men, I have no faith in the state to effectively monitory or control save by prisons.
The rule of Law is the only viable method of governance-the alternatives are exactly what you fear most-a strong man (Hitler, Hussien, Stalin, etc) making the story up as he goes or every man for himself-anarchy. Not on my watch.
I agree with several of your points-Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia etc, succeeded only because the rule of law was forfeited to the government. When Hilter passed firearm confication laws, the good german people should have said “NO”-regardless of the cost. The subjects of the United Kingdom are now in the thoes of a failed culture-virtually all private weapon ownership is gone, crime is rising and the sheeple are wondering what happened. The people of this country are the ultimate power-too bad most Americans could care less as long as they have their toys and “free” time.
We agree therein, I think.
Of course I do not think the “redcoats” would be called in-as a professional offcier, I know that the our military CAN NOT be used domestically, and I know many senior offciers in the several branches that understand that principle and are strongly vocal about any attempts to include the military in domestic affairs. We agree that other “agencies” from child services to zoning commission would be /are the means to the limitation of our freedoms-usually well meaning, but still unreasonable intrusions for teh most part.
We also agree on the next point-too many laws that erode our freedoms (usually in the form of a tax or administrative law agency, rather than a true “Law” violation). I am strongly in facvor of reduction of government intrusion, but we do have to have certain laws to make abhorrent behaviors distasteful; many would-be criminals are deterred by the threat of severe penalties, some are not. I agree that in certain cases only armed defense prevents a wanton evil-doer from running rampant. Prisons are required, but we certaily could do better than we are doing now.
As far as me “not getting out much”-I’ll ignore your assumption and tell you that I am a professional firearms trainer and consultant, as well as a very active member of the research community, having travelled around the world both in uniform and out. I am very involved in local considerations. I am “out” most of the time; hence why I carry virtually 24/7.
I agree that criminals obtain weapons illegally every day- and that is why we must not “make it legal” for them. The 2A does NOT apply to law-breaking violent criminals. Whether or not a person uses a firearm or other lethal weapon in a crime is irrelevant-the crime itself is the violation.
As far as your lack of faith in officials-that is because the people have abdicated their responsibility and have not recalled and punished the fools we seem to elect every day. It is the peoples fault-government will seek its own and that is why we must be willing to fight for our communities, states and the US as a whole.
I hope never to lose so much faith as you seem to have lost and thereby apparently approve of anarchy and “self” rule-which is dependent soley on what each indiviual thinks is “right”-not good enough for me and most patriots.
I am a multiple-theater combat veteran (disabled) with over 23 years of active duty experience and have seem more than my share of those whom you seemingly support carrying weapons-and had to be involved in the eradication of a whole lot of them; I also have lethal armed conflict experience as a private citizen, so yes, I do get out; and I win.
God Bless