Posted on 02/12/2008 4:31:49 PM PST by Blogger
Did not see a live thread to keep track of how things were going.
Latest results from VA on the Repub side
Mike Huckabee 12,025 47.85% Precincts Reporting: 169 of 2,472 (6.836% reporting)
John McCain 11,379 45.28%
Ron Paul 867 3.45%
Mitt Romney 628 2.49%
Fred D. Thompson 163 0.64%
Rudy Giuliani 65 0.25%
What do you mean no substance. I'll bet half the crowd is on some form of a controlled substance, legal or otherwise.
That is very possible. And the American public is very fickle. And gullible.
I don't know which of those two would be worse. Is it good to root for O to get rid of H? Either way we are going to get our heads on a plate (or flagpole) so to speak.
Maybe things will become more clear in the months ahead.
McCain is pro life. I don’t know who told you otherwise.
We all know the huge backer of the
Clintons and dims, Code Pinkos, and
multiple hate America groups George Soros
But now .. he may truly be the wizard behind
the curtain of this country’s future with
tonight’s events. It’s possible he’s hit a
trifecta. Dear Lord, have mercy on us all.
McCain, Soros And The Reform Institute: Updated and Bumped With Video
Unlike Kerry, Obama Covets Soros’ Support
How is it that FOX called McCain the winner in Maryland with 2% of the precincts reporting?
don’t be too sure that’s just a dream
Bill will not be bothered by this at all. He is making big bucks, traveling the world with SS protection and staying away from Hill’ as much as possible. What he will do with his free time is unknown;)
Again, there are none better than Rove or Barone
McCain: “I’m fired up and ready to go.”
All righty, then
Don't spread that whackadoo stuff here.
Ha, when he said that I thought, “Well you sure don’t sound or look like you are.”
In the case of Virginia, it was such a blowout with Obama, they called it at the moment the polls closed.
Thanks for the injection of humor. Probably true to some extent, but a lot of what you saw if you saw it is real, messianic and I need to change away from the s word.
By the skin of my teeth, my butt. Bush got millions of votes more than Kerrey.
I believe it is due to exit polls.
Easily. Maryland was never in contention. I don’t think Huck put a toenail in the state.
Between the moderates and Annapolis, Huck didn’t stand a chance.
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