Posted on 02/10/2008 7:36:50 AM PST by Red in Blue PA
Hillary Clinton's most senior advisers are in a state of "panic" about her presidential prospects and are plotting to enlist Democrat leaders in Congress to thwart her rival Barack Obama's ambitions.
The Clinton camp hopes to stop the Obama bandwagon by winning Texas and Ohio primaries on March 4, after which Mrs Clinton is planning to call on party grandees including Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Harry Reid, the party's leader in the Senate, to persuade Mr Obama to stand down.
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I believe Powell has endorsed McCain.
Don’t get me wrong - I like Watts a lot. I just think it would look like pandering at this point. Republicans need to put an African American on the ticket when we’re NOT running against a black guy on the dem ticket.
“Cant believe Freepers here prefer a President Obama over the alternatives.”
Neither can I! SolidWood compiled the list below, on another thread today, demonstrating the danger Obama poses. Maybe more FReepers should read them.
My dream scenario - Hillary! uses superdelatgates to win the nomination though Obama is the peoples choice, Barack gets pissed off and runs as an independent.
I love it, but it won’t happen. If he moves aside he has a future in the party. If he runs as an independent he has no future.
But I DO have a dream today!
George Stepupless and Donna Brazil are talking a mile a minute while Hillbilly plays Rescue Me by Fontella Bass.
Seems as if being Conservative is more important than going to Socialism in here. Not sure if these same Conservatives realize and understand the negatives of a liberal Supreme Court?
what exactly is Obama’s position on Iraq? Does he advocate removing the USA footprint established and pulling out? That’s what I hear. How can that happen realistically? Wouldn’t he immediately face a rebellion within his own party if elected?
Not sure if these same Conservatives realize and understand the negatives of a liberal Supreme Court?
>>>...he'd have Congress checkmating him at every turn,/i><<<
I understand your concerns about Hillary, but the salient fact is that Hillary has the highest negatives in the history of Presidential politics and Obama is hugely popular across a wide spectrum of America.
I still think Hillary would be a far weaker President to deal with than O'bama. On national security, my major concern if we have a Democrat President, I think Hillary is the stronger - not great mind you, but far stronger and more pragmatic than O'bama.
Hopefully neither one of our theories will be put to the test!
Hillary has experience covering up items which could damage her politically. What ever happened to Vince Foster’s files or the FBI Files which have never found. They now raise 10 million within one week afer borrowing 5 million from their own fortune? There are many questions about the Clintons which will never be known.
I understand where you are coming from on Hillary. However, because of her high negatives and Bill's reputation and sloppy record, I think enough Democrats in Congress would ally themselves with Republicans to hold her (and Bill) in check - not totally, but enough so your worst fears wouldn't materialize.
On the other hand, precisely because he is a "blank slate" (in multiple senses of the term!), Obama might get away with stuff the Clinton's couldn't. He would probably get a far longer "honeymoon" than Hillary would get because of her "experience" claim!!
As I said in another post: "On national security, my major concern if we have a Democrat President, I think Hillary is the stronger - not great mind you, but far stronger and more pragmatic than O'bama."
Hopefully your wrong on conservatives staying home. either alternative the Democrats offer is far worse to contemplate than a not-very-conservative McCain.
Clintons cheat.
While I share your antipathy for Hillary Clinton I think you might live to regret this judgment.
I believe she is odds on to win Ohio and Texas, and will indeed use those wins to pressure the superdelegates to commit and close this race down before the convention.
I meant on us!
Powell was being interviewed on TV this morning and wouldn’t say who he was supporting or which party’s nominee he would vote for in November.
She doesn't need to. She just needs to have dirt on career people in the FBI and elsewhere, who can thus be used to give her a continual flow of information TODAY
43% to 42%, a half million vote difference out of 70 million votes. George Wallace got 9.9 million (13.5%) and made the difference. Many of his votes were 'rats mobilized by the disgusting spectacle in Chicago and turned off to the 'rat party bosses. Not exactly winning big, but a win is a win.
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