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| 7 February 2008
Posted on 02/07/2008 6:25:21 AM PST by SE Mom
Ideas & Agenda for the GOP Party Today
All four remaining GOP presidential candidates attend the 2008 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Sen. John McCain (AZ), Rep. Ron Paul (TX), and Fmr. Gov. Mitt Romney (MA) address and seek conservative support at nation's largest annual gathering. Fmr. Gov. Mike Huckabee (AR) speaks at CPAC on Saturday
TOPICS: Breaking News; Constitution/Conservatism; Front Page News; News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: bush; cheney; conservatism; cpac; election2008; mccain; mcshamnesty; romney; ronpaul
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To: rintense
Who is this emcee guy? I can’t place him.
To: mewzilla
Cabinet? He don’t need no steenkin’ cabinet?
Amanda Carpenter falls in line. Hugh Hewitt is in a bar somewhere...
posted on
02/07/2008 12:54:30 PM PST
(Fight to get back our toilets; today your toilets, tomorrow, your cars)
To: Cinnamon Girl
“That was an excellent speech”
Really? I thought it sucked and was full of lies. But that’s just me.
To: Taffini
And now he calls on the conseratives to help himThat takes chutzpah.
I hope you hold your breath while you wait, Johnny.
posted on
02/07/2008 12:55:26 PM PST
(In politics the middle way is none at all. John Adams)
To: No Dems 2004
“I think Senator McCain did a very good job. His speech was moving and reassuring. I will most definitely be voting for him in November and so will all true conservatives.”
I want whatever you’re having- and make that a double.
To: Heartland Mom
It has begun. Fox just played back the boos from his speech when illegals were mentioned.
Now he is the nominee, and now the GOP goes down. It was immediate.
I don’t even care. Sad.
posted on
02/07/2008 12:56:31 PM PST
(Nothing left to say.)
To: Tennessee Nana
Obama is so much better to listen to... This is true, even though Obama has absolutely no substance in what he says. McCain can have substance, but has horrible delivery.
He better hope he faces Hillary, because she at least has high negatives and worse delivery skills than McCain.
As of right now, I don't think he can beat Obama, and it's mainly because of the youth factor and delivery skills that Obama possesses.
posted on
02/07/2008 12:56:35 PM PST
(The GOP just hit the mat. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8......)
To: truthkeeper; All
Note for tomorrow; a schedule change:
President Bush will be speaking to CPAC at 7:15 a.m. Thursday.
posted on
02/07/2008 12:56:37 PM PST
(What's the difference between Britney Spears and John McCain? Nothing, they're both crazy)
To: No Dems 2004
“I will most definitely be voting for him in November and so will all true conservatives.”
Scuse me?
THIS real conservative does not support global warming lies, and definitely will not support a phony conservative canidate that does.
There’s a party for that cult.
posted on
02/07/2008 12:56:38 PM PST
(Where's that dang Meteor already?)
Later today...
Congressman Ron Paul - 4:30 PM EST
President Bush - 7:15 AM EST (Time change)
To: No Dems 2004
So YOU get to decide who is a true conservative?
Boy there sure a lot of psychic people around here.
posted on
02/07/2008 12:57:06 PM PST
(Fight to get back our toilets; today your toilets, tomorrow, your cars)
To: HonestConservative
MSNBC interviewing Huckabee live right now. Claiming he's NOT dropping out; he's "going to be the choice now for all the people who think Washington is not the answer."
"Nobody last fall was giving me a chance to come this far, and now here we are." "I hope to speak within the hour w/Gov Romney...I'd love to have his endorsement...we've been missing each other's calls."
posted on
02/07/2008 12:57:36 PM PST
(It's the borders, stupid.)
To: Cinnamon Girl
That was an excellent speech. Well done.LOL !! You're so funny.
To: CounterCounterCulture
I’m no McCain fan - -But that was the most humbling speech he’s ever made.
posted on
02/07/2008 12:57:47 PM PST
(Make the most of the loss, and regroup for 2008!!)
To: khnyny
The Reform Institute from which John McCain resigned in 2005, no doubt to pursue his run for the presidency, is dedicated to advancing the Soros agenda despised by most Conservatives and many mainstream Americans. Their goals include amnesty, a borderless North America dissolving a sovereign USA, open Republican primaries which would have Democrats and Independents determining the Republican Presidential Candidate, thereby putting the final nail in the Republican Partys coffin. For examples of how the institute feels regarding mass amnesty of illegal aliens in the United States, look at the student art work awarded for mocking the border fence, posted by Michelle Malkin, who has shined light on the Soros/McCain connection over the past week.John McCain: George Soros' Useful Idiot?
Also, see Aryeh Spero: McCain-Soros Toppled GOP Candidates (Human Events) for a better understand of how McCain-Feingold turned Soros into the Kingmaker he is today.
There's plenty more out there... but that's a good start.
To: CygnusXI
........and where o where is HUCKABEE ??? Is he at the CPAC Convention ? Nooooooooooooooo !!
He is at THE TYRA BANKS SHOW !!!!!!
posted on
02/07/2008 12:58:39 PM PST
To: GOPyouth
McCain, if he goes against Obama, will get massacred.
Old White Republican, vs. young dynamic Black guy...he will be our Mondale...and yes, appearances do matter: idiots in this country will think they are voting for President Palmer, when they pull the lever for Obama....
posted on
02/07/2008 12:58:44 PM PST
(ISLAM and its Adherents ARE the enemy: Teach your kids Before their learn the hard way!)
To: All
Wow, it didn’t take long for him to convert some of you. I dread to think what this place will be like by November.
To: wilco200
Please list the lies you heard. I’d be interested to know.
posted on
02/07/2008 12:59:02 PM PST
Cinnamon Girl
(McCain calls it "radical islamic terrorism," the dems don't refer to it at all)
To: TheSarce
He’s a Radio DJ from Boston, IIRC.
posted on
02/07/2008 12:59:11 PM PST
(What's the difference between Britney Spears and John McCain? Nothing, they're both crazy)
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