I live this Nations future every day. I worry and pray over it every day. I hate what is becoming of the America I love... and all I saw tonight was more of the same crap that has been force fed to us for 20 years or more. I knew mitt, rootie, huck and the rest of these fakers long ago. I am as big a wonk as Michael Barrone. When I say they are liberal... it is backed up by volumes that have been presented on FR for the past year or more. You know their weaknesses.. they were wallowing in their weaknesses tonight.
Michael Barone?
So why did Heath Shuler defeat Charles Taylor in NC Western District?
Mitt’s real problems are if Christians reject him, he loses much of the Grassroots support, and NRA strictly (I am one of them) voter guide people don’t buy into him, he will be forced to haggle for the same votes that Hillary is going for, because Conservative Limited Issue voters will not turn out, and will not volunteer for his Campaign.