To: LibLieSlayer
Michael Barone?
So why did Heath Shuler defeat Charles Taylor in NC Western District?
Mitt’s real problems are if Christians reject him, he loses much of the Grassroots support, and NRA strictly (I am one of them) voter guide people don’t buy into him, he will be forced to haggle for the same votes that Hillary is going for, because Conservative Limited Issue voters will not turn out, and will not volunteer for his Campaign.
2,801 posted on
01/24/2008 9:42:05 PM PST by
(Conservative in Exile/ Isaiah 3.3)
To: padre35
"NRA strictly (I am one of them) voter guide people dont buy into him,"
We'll he as much as said he's not going to veto any gun bills that come across his desk and that's about the only thing he can really do with regard to gun rights.
To: padre35
Excellent point padre, however, Myth will just write a check for phone banks and walkers...
2,825 posted on
01/24/2008 9:51:23 PM PST by
To: padre35
Do you think that I could support any of these people? I can’t get my mind around FReepers that are in love with them. I was saying that I am as engaged in politics as Barrone... I put in just as many hours and have a darn good feel for the sport. My first rodeo was well into the last century.
2,873 posted on
01/24/2008 10:05:59 PM PST by
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