So: Hunter’s minutely small number of supporters could throw their support to The Huckster. Yawn...............
Secret code from Duncan as who not to vote for????? Shuckster was a Dem not too long ago.
So he's encouraging both of his supporters to vote for the Christian Socialist, pro life Democrat Huckster?
LOL! You know that's not the point.
“Well that explains alot about Mr. 1%.”
Yes, doesn’t it. I may throw up. Hunter was the “best man in the race”, huh? Dropped out while votes were being counted in S.C., instead of before when he should have. Fred wasn’t murdered all the way yet, so waited until he was gone. Then endorses Huckaboob. The Best man in the race from the start was Fred, and no matter who he endorses, if anyone, including McCrazy, he still was.
Congressmen don’t become presidential candidates, I think
I’ve seen that pretty well covered here. Tanc was in it to force his one issue to the forefront, which he did well, and quit when he should have. Hunter was in it ....... why????? Because he can’t run for congress any more in his own state? WHY??