I’m wondering if he’ll feel compelled to endorse McCain just BECAUSE Hunter endorsed Huckabee.
Huckabee probably will be more hostile towards the Peoples Republic of China over economic issues which is fine with me.
Duncan Hunter sees China as a current economic threat and a future military threat and I’m in Hunter’s boat on that big time.
The Establishment types don’t like rocking the boat with the scummy leadership in Beijing. McCain is backed by Henry Kissinger, the first kiss up to the Red Chinese.
Romney probably won’t be much better, but I’ll say this that I am still uncommitted and would love to see Romney win some states and Rudy G keep McCain from winning New York (winner takes all delegates).
I am committed to defeating McCain. That means Huckabee and Romney need to win different states on February 5th to hold back a McCain-MSM tide that could crush all oppposition.
So if Duncan Hunter’s endorsement shores up the coalition I want to see emerge on February 5th to shut out McCain in as many states as possible I will be pleased.