What's to stop the advance of REPUBLICAN Corruption and Socialism as long as we keep nominating RINOS?
“What’s to stop the advance of REPUBLICAN Corruption and Socialism as long as we keep nominating RINOS?”
Incompetent Democrats have bred Milquetoast Republicans, bland and careful people who easily get smacked with a big stick because of it.
If you want to change that, it STARTS AT THE BOTTOM, at your local candidate selection meetings for the Primaries.
You can whine on a website all you want, but it will exactly ZERO to advance the changes you want.
We managed to pull that off in Indianapolis this year, against a huge and well-funded Democrat Machine. Now, we will try to take that to the next level, the statehouse seats and the Congressional seat, which is suddenly in play, even without Julia Carson’s death...
Or will we repeat the same mistakes of allowing the left to control the battle of ideas?