Posted on 01/10/2008 3:40:52 PM PST by Jim Robinson
All in all, same ole same ole.
And you?
oh.......sorry.......I didn't have anything quite as hysterical as that happen to me today.....yet. lolol
For a couple of years now, the GOP/RNC leadership has assumed that they could do anything they pleased, kick conservatives in the teeth while begging for approval from the Progressives--all because we are terrified of Hillary.
And I believe that the GOP elites worked deliberately against some Repub conservative candidates in 2006 to provide Bush with an amnesty-friendly congress "he could work with." This is particularly appalling when you consider those same candidates who were starved of support were the ones supporting Bush in the WOT. Everything for Mexico. Our economy, our wages, our safety--everything for Mexican nationals.
Talk about alienating your base--average Republican moderates and conservatives. They thought they could do anything to us because we're so scared of Hillary.
Conservatives are middle and upper-middle class, generally. Not the elite rich. Not people with a houseful of slaves cleaning up after them.
Reagan understood them--the Joe Sixpacks. Bush does not understand the average Republican. So he allowed the RNC elites to alienate them--
So we never got the traction we needed to get a strong presidential candidate. But it's not the media. It was the GOP elites who hamstrung the process.
The Hunter haters, how does one deal with their irrational behavior?
I dunno....but this one seemed pretty good to me:
(spits at the dawg),,,(cockin his pistols)...;0(...grrrrrr.
Excellent. lolololol
Where there’s a will.....there’s always a laugh.
: )
A sense of humor helps us keep our sanity in an insane world.
A close relative (conservative) and I had a similar discussion before the last election. She was so angry at Republicans, and refused to vote...said she may do so again in the presidential election.
I understand the displeasure, but I think Reid and Pelosi, et al, have more than proven my point to her that things indeed can be worse when Dems have free reign. I think “we ain’t seen nuthin’” if Leftist Dems control the executive, legislative, and the judicial branch through their appointments. They have no conservatives in their party to hold them in check, and they would rather war with their political enemies than fight the enemies of this country, so they will pay little or no heed to our wishes.
It is obvious that my relative has not changed her mind about her stance in the last election, as she may chose to do the same again this time around. She is an intelligent, and politically aware, woman. I disagree with her, but I respect her right to make her own decision just as I do yours and others.
It most certainly does.
BTW, how come all of the Republican Presidential candidates truly can’t come together and create some future debates where all of the moderators are true conservatives only and all of the questions asked are from true conservatives only and all of the “questioners” are true conservatives only instead of everything coming from just the MSM all of the time? I’ve been wondering about this for a long time! The “Values Voters Debate” truly doesn’t cut it if they choose Mike Huckabee as the winner, IMHO!
I find it interesting what some people are willing to tolerate at various times in history while others are not. Years later perspectives change and another line is drawn in the sand, perhaps by you or somebody with your perspective, and the cycle continues.
Often, when I hear the term 20/20 hindsight it gives me pause for thought.
BTW, please tell your close relative to vote even if she has to write in her candidate.
We teach America a lesson by not voting for the RINO, or by voting for some third party candidate.
Im voting for Huckabee. I think his RINO credentials have been blown way out of proportion.
Wasn’t Huckabee the Freeper Governor at one time? What happened?
Cool. Kind of like Dr. Strangelove, only even more apopalyptic.
Shouldn't you vote Democrat to hasten the end of the world?
It's the MAJORITY of Americans that oppose the war, not just leftist moonbats who only oppose the war for leftist reasons. There are real people who want the war to end. That is reality and that is a fact. That is why Obama and Hillary have raised $100 million apiece last year compared to the GOP candidate's chump change. That is PARTLY why the GOP lost the mid-terms in 2006. If the Republican candidates besides Paul do not start making drastic foreign policy changes, they are going to lose.
If the GOP loses the election of 2008 which I doubt, the Demonrats can pay the price for the surrender policy and the GOP will castrate the Demonrats in 2010 as we did in 1994.
I hate to break wind to you bub, but the Democrats aren't committed to troop withdrawals either. They're going to continue the war as well and blame whatever consequences of it on "Bush/Cheney" policies. The war is going to continue regardless who is elected besides Paul. But there is the perception among people that the Democrats will end the war but they won't, and even if it did, they will continue with the interventionist foreign policy that is bankrupting our country.
Your proposal to stop bothering the poor Muzzies and to leave them alone and to (essentially) surrender to them does absolutely nothing.
Republicans END & WIN wars, not PROLONG them. If the job couldn't get done in six years, then it's time to get off the pot. Iraq is a sovereign nation - just what are we "surrendering?" The last time I looked, they're not a state or territory of these United States.
You and the majority of the posters of FR CLEARLY DO NOT GET IT. The Republican Party is in a tailspin because it has abandoned all of its traditions and conservative heritage. The one candidate who is bringing it all back is routinely trashed and belittled. Now, explain to me how will the GOP win the general election with a fractured base and supporters who are fervent about their candidate, and will write him in or encourage him to go 3rd party regardless who is the GOP nominee.
THANK YOU - you say it much more eloquently than I could possibly have thought of...its why Ive been saying that if the GOP picks one of the RINOS, especially McCain and/or Huckabee, I will immediately divorce myself from the Republican party. The only power that I have right now is to cast that one vote in the elections - I am not part of any campaign or convention. The only say I have as an ordinary American just trying to handle the life Ive been given is at that voting booth, and I will not be made to settle for the best of the worst. If the GOP has turned its coats to the Leftists in their party, then I am walking...and its THEIR loss, not mine. They should not come crying to me when they find out they’ve been had.
Why expect anything else from someone like EEE who veers from Rooty Julie Annie to Dr. Demento in one nomination cycle. Can you spell L-I-B-E-R-A-L???? Don't you get tired of humiliating yourself in public making believe that you or the Galveston moonbat are either Republican or conservative???? The beauty part is that your hatred of this or any war and of other assertions of manly foreign policy won't reduce your or paleoPaulie's ongoing obligation to pay for both. AND, as you concede, even the Demonrats know better than paleoPaulie or you and will have to continue the wars.
If, for any reason, the GOP should lose, we will lose with our honor intact by supporting these wars for Western Civilization and by refusing the paleoPaulie/John Murtha/Dennis Cuckoocinich prescription of surrendering and fleeing in terror like their hero antiwar cockroach Neville Chamberlain did so many decades ago. Our national colors do not run as Dr. Demento and his cowardly antiAmerican antiwar friends are finding out, primary by primary, caucus by caucus. Maybe you guys can get Hanoi Jane Fonda to be your candidate next time or Ahmanutjob or Ramsay Clarke or Osama bin Laden or Ugo Chavez.
The only way to end a war honorably is to WIN it. That is not the paleosurrenderman's plan or yours.
As to GOP traditions, last time I checked we advocate an end to the slaughter of innocent babies, a strong stand in defense of marriage defined as one man and one woman (no pets, no space aliens, no third partes or twelvesomes). The GOP, unlike the paleowindtunnel libertoonians believes that narcotics are not a free market option. We favor program and spending restraint and tax cuts but recognize that money is not everything. Social conservatism and the RTKBA and military force appled wherever we feel it ought to be will always come first. Cowardice is NOT a tradition in the GOP. AntiAmericanism is NOT a tradition in the GOP. Antiwar paleopeacecreepism is NOT a tradtion in the GOP. Delusional dishonest promises to end the IRS or to abolish the income tax may be sucker bait for some GOP voters but the party, even under ubermaterialist Goldwater, never promised any such thing much less made it traditional.
Please, please, please take your votes and vote for paleoPaulie as a Third Party candidate. Demonrats eager for abortion, perversion and cowardly pacifism will take more votes to paleoPaulie than Republicans ever will and we can trash Dr. Demento AND Her Satanic Thighness or Osama bin Bama in one fell swoop.
You think we do not get it???? Let's find out! If you have any guts at all, make your play. We will do what we have to do both to be Republicans and conservatives unlike the pro-Al Qaeda quisling of Galveston and his followers and to beat the tar out of those smarmy creatures who would see our country defeated by surrender or otherwise.
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