Hey, I'm not a big Huck fan...but I know you're wrong here...
What about protecting marriage from takeover by gays? What about opposing homosexual activists' agenda? What about religious liberty issues? What about healthcare?
I think there's plenty to "ding" Huck on...the problem becomes so many scale down their scorecard because they--and you--exclude these kinds of issues as of any importance to them/you.
OK, perhaps I exaggerate a bit.
However, describing Huck as a “conservative” in the traditional definition is inaccurate. He’s a socially conservative populist, or perhaps a religious humanist.
It’s not a slam, just an observation. And since I’m a conservative, I can’t support him, at least in the primary.
Well, I'm glad one of his supporters is listing his conservative bonafides. I tried to get another supporter to list why they felt Huck deserved conservative support and rather than provide any detail, he listed the campaign site.
Once I've done my initial research on the net, I'm not going to bother with a candidate's platform, I go by their track record.
I will say, and not as a flame, that while those points are good, fiscally Huckabee doesn't come on strong as a conservative and his record is ambiguous at best, with multiple tax hikes and nanny-state policies that drove me off immediately.
However, my advice is to continue to hammer his conservative record as much as possible. It's the only way to sustain interest in this forum.