To: razorback-bert
I have a high text watch with probably 50 features of which I have learned how to use exactly none. About twice a year. after cruises or trips, I need to make photo DVDs and have to relearn how to use the programs, as one will not do everything I want.
The part that really BOTHERED me about that watch is that among my meatspace peers, I am considered an Alpha Geek. Imagine how embarrassing it was to have to give up on that watch!!!!
Imagine having to live THIS down!! (Even though the link to the certifcate seems to have expired...) " Guy can't run his WATCH!"
To: Gorzaloon
***Imagine having to live THIS down!! (Even though the link to the certifcate seems to have expired...) “ Guy can’t run his WATCH!”***
LOL! You’re making the rest of us feel NORMAL. I can’t wait to tell my adult son because he was given a beautiful watch three years ago and can’t use it. It makes you feel SO stupid.
119 posted on
12/25/2007 2:32:11 PM PST by
(I refuse to let the DUers chase me off FR.)
To: Gorzaloon
Nerd Test Interesting test...
My results:
- Science/Math - 97th percentile
- Computer/Technology - 79th percentile (I bet they lowered my score because I use a Mac!)
- Sci-Fi/Comic - 80th percentile (probably because I didn't get physical over arguments about which superhero was best)
- History/Literature - 99th percentile
- Dumb/Dork/Awkwardness - 3 percentile
What are your results? This might deserve its own thread...
121 posted on
12/25/2007 2:58:37 PM PST by
(Remember, the proper pronunciation of IE is "AAAAIIIIIEEEEEEE)
To: Gorzaloon
Hey! I got an award certificate!
I'm an "Uber Cool Nerd God!" . . . at 58 years old...
I also got a 98% on the space test... what can I say...
Clicjk my award to take the test yourself...
123 posted on
12/25/2007 3:22:39 PM PST by
(Remember, the proper pronunciation of IE is "AAAAIIIIIEEEEEEE)
To: Gorzaloon
On the other hand, 75% of test takers were cooler than me... but they didn’t ask whether I used a Mac or owned an iPhone...
124 posted on
12/25/2007 3:29:17 PM PST by
(Remember, the proper pronunciation of IE is "AAAAIIIIIEEEEEEE)
To: Gorzaloon
It is not that I can’t learn to use the functions, it is that I so rarely use one that I can’t remember how to when needed.
I have learned how to use the alarm clock feature on my cell phone, becuase it is accurate and the siren setting with wake the dead.
125 posted on
12/25/2007 5:03:13 PM PST by
(Remember that amateurs built the Ark while professionals built the Titanic.)
To: Gorzaloon
Uber Cool Nerd Here
130 posted on
12/25/2007 8:16:33 PM PST by
Still Thinking
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