Fred’s foreign policy experience is more than either of the 2 governors running in this race. He served as special counsel for the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations from 1980-1981 and as special counsel for the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1982. These positions entailed a significant amount of exposure to foreign policy issues.
Still, we are all willing to concede he has no executive experience, but being President is far different from any political job in America. We are not electing a manager in chief. We are electing someone who can lead and inspire with quality ideas and who can be trusted with the most urgent affairs of our nation. I trust Fred.
You need to do your homework. He was legal counsel on these committees. He has newer experience, but it’s weak too, basically conducting sporadic meetings while working as a full-time actor.
George W had executive experience in a very large state.
George HW was VP, Senator, Ambassador to China, Director of the CIA.
Reagan had executive experience in the 12th largest economy in the world.
Nixon, Senator, Vice President, foreign policy expert
Eisenhower, Directed the largest movement of men and materiel in the history of the world and did it successfully, while dealing with friend and foe all around the world.