You need to do your homework. He was legal counsel on these committees. He has newer experience, but it’s weak too, basically conducting sporadic meetings while working as a full-time actor.
George W had executive experience in a very large state.
George HW was VP, Senator, Ambassador to China, Director of the CIA.
Reagan had executive experience in the 12th largest economy in the world.
Nixon, Senator, Vice President, foreign policy expert
Eisenhower, Directed the largest movement of men and materiel in the history of the world and did it successfully, while dealing with friend and foe all around the world.
I’m sorry you got so disgruntled over some comments about Huckabee. As an evangelical, I never like to see Christianity dragged through a campaign and used in any political manner. But in my opinion, Huckabee himself has been among the worst of the offenders in this election.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
If Fred is the nominee, his win against hillary will be a landslide! And you can set that in stone.