So endorse a moderate or a rock ribbed conservative that has more than championed his #1 issue?
More likely FRed (if handed the nomination - he certainly won't WORK for it) would seek a LIEberal like Rudy, Romney or Huckabee to be his Veep choice since they are all more popular than McLame or if he needs a few dollars even a cut-n-run LIEberal-friendly candidate like Ron Paul since he raises more money than the rest of the field (ask Al Gore or John Kerry about Soros $$$ and media polls turning into votes).
Given your logic, we should both drop our support for our chosen candidate and rush out to rally behind John McCain or one of other media-annointed RINOs....just because the dinosaur media says they can win. After all they were all popular here on FR too, once upon a time and all have had their moment in the sun with phony media polls.
Regardless if they are 1%, 5% or 51% of the vote, Hunter and Tancredo have my support since they are the only ones who are SERIOUS about our nations sovereignty.