[[ If you are not saying that, then WHAT is the point or purpose of detecting design - specifically design of divine origin? I can think of none. Help me out here.]]
None? What can be done with the knoweleldge of intelligent design? Plenty- Because If nothign has common descent, as has been proposed for 150 years now, then medicine will take a totally different path, as well as our understanding of the elements that make up design- When science gets out of hte broken dead end rut of searchign for common links, the path of discovery will venture in the much more realistic line of design instead. If two elements of a system are sdpecifically designed, then that would lead a person to reason that all other elements will be conjoined by their own design features instead of some random mythical mutational line. The possibilities of discovery with design are endless.
What you have suggested here only requires a person to believe that nothing has common descent, and then design his research, etc., around that. And, more importantly, you are still *quite* free to do that yourself, as are the people at the various ID websites. I am almost positive they *have* been trying this, to absolutely no success.*
*You can dispense with the "science conspiracy" antics with me. If you go to a medical company with research that could lead to profits, you'll be funded. I've read about all kinds of "frowned upon" ideas getting money for research, this is no different.