Not much more to say than that.
However, how many days before the ACLU and a bought-off judge somewhere steps in and thwarts the will of the people?It is a remarkable article. It says illegal aliens are literally fleeing this Virginia County that came down very hard on illegal aliens and their benefits, and that the illegals are scrambling to sanctuary counties in Virginia as well as Maryland. It is nothing short of amazing (in a way, but then again, we knew illegals would scramble when the legitimate outrage of the American People would finally land on them). Of course, the Washington Post tries to make the citizens of this county feel guilty for what the Board of Supervisors have done. But it is probably too late.
To quote Frankie Laine: “HYAAAAAH! (whip crack) RawHIIIIIIDE!”
The reporting of the recent crackdown on illegal aliens in Price William County shows how biased the ComPost is. The other papers, such as the Wash Times and Examiner has been following this issue closely for months, whereas the ComPost just comes out with a press release from La Raza.
As long as they move to the safe haven county of Fairfax and NOT into Loudoun. Let Fairfax pay for their follies.
Don’t let the door hit ya...
But, but... “we can’t deport 12 million people!”
We won’t have to.
Wonderful! Now, how do we replicate that all across Virginia??
If only they would leave the country. Unfortunately there are other communities who have all but hung up a sign saying, "Foreign criminals welcome."
Now let me get this straight...
1. Illegal aliens come here for jobs...are hard working and make enough to pay taxes etc..
2. The county commisioners in Prince William County, VA voted to allow only low income American citizens with proper ID, SSN cards etc apply for and receive social services...welfare, food stamps etc...
3. The illegal aliens got mad at the Prince William County officials for passing county ordinances which did not apply to them....since they are hard working, make enough to pay taxes and are assets and not a liability on the county..
4. The illegal aliens are leaving the county...
Everyone is happy.....What’s not to like about this arrangement...
After all the illegal aliens would never have demanded social services...they are here to work, not take..
Even LEGAL immigrants are not allowed to apply and receive social services...
It works!
Current state of illegals in reality: