So what’s your timeline for forgetting attrocities?
Who says anything about forgetting. Remembering the Armenian genocide isn’t what this resolution is about anyway. It’s about throwing a monkey wrench into our efforts in Iraq.
Congress had already condemned this atrocity twice before!
This isn't designed to recognize something had had been ignored in the past!
It was designed to disrupt our relationship with Turkey at a time when we are winning on the ground and in the diplomatic circles.
Democrats are trying to damage our efforts in the ME in order to hurt Bush.
>>>So whats your timeline for forgetting attrocities?
I guess Greek atrocities against the Middle East are still being hotly talked about by the Democrats (Alexander the Great destroyed cities and all its inhabitants if they didn’t go along with his program).
How about when all the people that committed the atrocities are all dead?
And there's a difference between forgetting something and constantly re-opening old wounds, like a bickering couple might do.
The Dems seem to have an on-going plan to antagonize our military allies in SE Asia, including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. This can only benefit the radical Islamic regimes in the area and undermine the WOT.
I'm sure Bush is working to fix this quietly on the diplomatic end, but he also needs to step up and take the lead on this in public.
Let's take it all the way back to Troy. Or, that conflict Arjuna was involved in, which might be even older. Let's have a Bill of Condemnation for the Peloponnesian War and the invasion of England by the Normans while we're at it.
Yeah this BS resolution on paper will show those dead turks who committed the crime we mean business and correct any and all related atrocities in question........ < /sarcasm>
Sorry I see this Pelosi pandering polidiot paper for what it is.......cow crap.
Yes what the turks did back then was horrible.......but since those responsible have since passed from life and power this congressional effort is not meant to recognize or punish that government it is meant to use those murdered in a manner to undermine the current military efforts in the area vs any form of respectable dignified respect an accounting which the victims deserve.
To advocate, support or agree with such a dishonorable act under the cover of propriety and false concern for the victims is a slap in the face of the survivors of said victims.
Timing and true intent is an insult to Armenians IMO...........
Everybody has their pet atrocity they love to keep talking about. Remembering innocent victims is right. Using this one as a wedge to wreck our efforts in Iraq is wrong.
Imagine if someone said the same thing about “the holocost” and time to forget!
Aristotleman what Hubris! If the Congress of the US were to devote itself to condemning the holocausts undertaken somewhere in the world just in the time frame since the American Revolution. it would not have any time to do anything else! Wait a minute Aristotleman, you are a GENIUS!