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To: Southack

Mr. Southack, your critique, if you will, Sir.

326 posted on 10/05/2007 12:12:21 PM PDT by txhurl (Yes there were WMDs)
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To: txflake

Oh, you’ve got a good theory. Could be correct.

The problem that I have is that Syria has no compelling reason to possess something that would cause/give-excuse-for the U.S. or Israel to nuke Syria.

Consider that Syria has the largest chemical WMD program in the Mid-East. Nukes offer very little killing power over that arsenal...and both require delivery vehicles.

But if Syria gets a nuke, then Israel and the U.S. have carte blanc to nuke Syria at a whim.

So I lean more toward a major terror leader being the target of the 9/6 raids. Could have just been long range ICBM’s that were finally modified to accept city-killer-sized chemical WMD warheads, too. Next theory in line would be some form of massive currency counterfeiting operation.

but yeah, it could have been a nuke there.

Were ground teams there? Absolutely. Could have been unmanned ground vehicles, SCUBA teams in the river, SpecOps, or a variety of options, but there was an Isreali ground presence there and yes, drop tanks *could* have been planted in Turkey (though I presume it more likely that the drop tanks were real as they were sighted by Syria’s radar).

330 posted on 10/05/2007 1:17:37 PM PDT by Southack (Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
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