Damn if it don’t ..........my bad on the read !
I still would have taken the rag down. And I dont’ think I would have taken the rag to a campus office as he did. Ya’ll will have to think badly of me .....the nativist ~:o)
I also believe that the young man did not "steal" the flag, but took down an inapporporiate flag and took it to the ROTC building and that that was good. Although I can understand his desire to tear it, he should not have done that with someone else's property.
Then, I go back to Travis's comment. This is a continuing escalation in a broader issue, one that should never have been allowed to reach this point, and one that could, to this date, be arrested and set back if we had public officials willing to inact and enforce policy based on US interests. If they continue to not do so...then as Travis indicated, one day it will escalate to something different entirely.