Democrats are communists. That's a truer statement than most people would give you credit for.
- The McGovernite/moonbat wing of the Dem party has controlled its nomination process since 1972. Which is easily understood since it was their activist committees that rewrote the rules to take the party away from the old guys who had run it since their daddies had taken it away from the Southern and Midwestern agrarians and populists (which included the Klan -- hence Bobby Byrd's former "exalted cyclops" status) in 1928.
- George McGovern himself was a member of the rump convention of Reds who nominated Henry Wallace, Stalin's man, in 1948.
- Progressives are not liberals, and have consistently followed Moscow's line on everything from "peace movement" (run by KGB Active Measures) in the early 1960's down to the present day.
- Senator John Tunney of California was a KGB asset, as shown by materials released from KGB files in the Yeltsin era.
- Senator Edward M. Kennedy attended multiple, highly-compromising, highly-questionable if not prosecutable meetings with Tunney, Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin, Armand Hammer, and.....Yuri Andropov, who was about the biggest KGB man who ever lived, short of Lavrenti Beria and Feliks Dzherzhinsky themselves. What in hell was Kennedy doing, discussing "how to beat Reagan" and "what we need from you" with Dobrynin and Andropov?
There's more, but you get the idea. The "progressives" are in fact, as you say, really Reds. And liberals are blind to that. Oh, wait -- and Hillary is a "progressive", too, as is Slick, who worked for Sen. Bill Fulbright, whom I always thought a Soviet asset long before I ever heard about Tunney. Which explains why Slick turned to Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Politburo when he needed help getting reelected in 1996.
Also note that Democrat/socialist/communists always cite and attempt to transfer culpability for the “sacred evils” - slavery; Civil War; KKK; failure to contain fascism/Nazism; Korea; Vietnam; which blame can be assessed directly to pre-1968 Democrats - Their old enemy, since defeated.